26: i missed you

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// 790 words //

// inspired by STRESSED OUT by twenty one pilots //





I CAN'T STOP thinking about her.

oh god i can't stop.

millie bobby brown. 

her laugh and smile and face are eternally imprinted in my mind, i could never make the thought of her leave my head. even after a few hours of not seeing her i'll miss her. 

i love giving her hugs from behind and giving her shoulder massages whenever i sit behind her in class. i love kissing her nose and making her smile, because it makes me smile to see her happy.


i walk into the school, still half asleep. being a normal teenager i fell asleep at 2 am, trying to finish a math assignment that i could not understand for the life of me, the numbers and variables all mixing up in my head. i don't even know how i'm going to pass the semester final in two months.

i nod my head to the twenty one pilots song playing through my earphones, and tune out the rest of the world as i go through the crowds of sleep deprived teenagers, and head towards my locker. just as i get my lock open and put my backpack inside, i catch sight of millie leaning on the lockers not far from me. taking advantage of the fact that her back is facing towards me, i walk towards her quietly and slip my arms around her waist, turning her to face me. she smiles her cute dimply smile and moves further into me, resting her forehead in the crook of my neck as i kiss the top of her head.

"i missed you." she mumbles, closing her eyes and wrapping her arms around me. "that was the longest weekend of my life."

"missed you more." i whisper into her ear as the first bell of the day rings, signaling that students can enter their first period. we still don't move, knowing that we still have ten more minutes before the late bell rings. "how many hours of sleep did you get last night?"

"like three." millie says, pulling away a little to look at me. "sadie got even less."

"you okay?" i ask, frowning and tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.

"i'll survive." millie says sighing. "i don't even know why i took so many AP classes, i'm so fucking stressed all the time, it'll be worse when soccer starts."

"don't be. you're brilliant. you can not study at all for a final and still get an A." i say rubbing her exposed arms. "i'm not even passing math."

"call me, okay?" millie mumbles, looking up at me. "whenever you don't get something. i don't want you to fail."

i sling an arm around her as we walk to ms. dyers class. "i know. i'm trying mills, i really am. i don't even know if i'll still be in soccer this season with my averages so low..."

millie sighs and leans into me. "we'll be pummeled without you on the team, you're our captain, you hold us together."

i chuckle as we enter the hallways of our first class, me keeping hold of millie to prevent her from being swept away the the crowds going the opposite direction. "it's more like you hold us together, you're amazing with a soccer ball."

"hopefully i'll stay good this season." millie says as enter the classroom, my arm still around her, and our friends giving us sly grins. ms. dyer looks at us in shock, she had been out for the past few days, us having a sub this entire week.

she looks from me to millie, to her head in the crook of my neck and my hand around her shoulders playing with the ends of her hair. ms. dyer stares at both of us for a moment before whipping out her phone and stepping out of the room, phone held up to her ear. i furrow my eyebrows but laugh when i hear what ms. dyer is saying into her call.

"pay up heaton, i said they'd get together in september you said december. well guess what, it's september 28, i won!"


filler for y'all

i actually wrote this tiny chapter the same day of my last chapter cause i was bored and motivated lol

i'm gonna start pre writing chapters so i don't have chapter less days lol

sry this is so short i really needa sleep

if you guys are wondering i update at around 12 PM CST

question of the day: when does school start for y'all? mine starts august 15th


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