10: can i at least troll him?

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// 923 words //

// inspired by rich & sad- post malone //



M I L L I E 

 i push through the crowd of teenagers to get to the one place in the entire school where there's silence, the library. this was my assigned free period but even if it wasn't and i had a class, i would've skipped anyway and gone to the library. i wouldn't classify myself as claustrophobic or having social anxiety, but i definitely get worried and nervous when i'm in a compromising situation or if all attention is on me.

i open the glass double doors to the hawkins high library and close my eyes as i breath in the lavender scented air freshener that trinity insisted on spraying everywhere. i smile when i see her where she always is, the checkout desk. trinity wasn't exactly the librarian, she was a college student that needed money so she was working at the library doing little odd jobs. 

i run over to her and she doesn't notice that i'm standing in front of her, her eyes glued the book in her hands, the hunger games. i sigh once i see the title.

"seriously trinity?" i whisper. "i swear you've read that at least a million times."

trinity looks up and her face breaks out into a smile when she sees me. "millie! i missed you over the summer!"

for my freshman and sophomore years i basically spent all my free time in the library so me and trinity have had a lot of time to get to know each other.

"i missed you too." i say, grinning. "can we go into the office so we can talk?" i gesture towards the librarians office right behind us.

trinity nods, putting down her book and switches the sign on the shelf to say self check and leads me over to the office. 

once we're settled down on the couch trinity frowns once she sees the expression on my face. "what's wrong?"

everything's wrong.

i sigh and bury my face in my knees. "it's just... i don't know how to explain it..."

"boy troubles?" trinity asks as she rests her hand on top of mine, comforting me.

i look at her, shocked. "how did you know?"

"i'm not new to this whole high school thing alright?" trinity jokes, cracking a smile. "i been through all of this before and its written all over your face."

"it's just, you remember romeo?" i say while running a hand through my hair. i usually don't share much about myself to anyone but my mom and sadie, but i needed someone to talk to.

"that asshole beckham? i swear i hated him more than anyone i've ever met." trinity remarks, rolling her eyes. "he had no respect for my precious books! he wouldn't even put the books back on the shelf where he found them, he would just drop them on the ground expecting me to pick up after him!"

i attempt to hold back my laughter, but my efforts fail as i start laughing uncontrollably. "remember that time when you walked into the middle of one of his classes and started yelling at him?"

"well, he knocked over an entire shelf, sue me if it was wrong to get revenge." trinity crosses her arms and pouts.

"well, that same romeo beckham told me last week that he never loved me and that i was worthless and nothing more than a toy for him." i blurt out.

trinity stares at me for a moment, speechless. "fuck this," trinity stands up and cracks her knuckles. "what's this douchebag's class right now? i'll go give him a taste of his own medicine."

i smile up at trinity and gently pull her back down on the couch. "trinity... it's fine, i already broke his arm."

"i can't wait to see that cast when i go beat him up." trinity remarks, trying to escape my grasp.

"trinity. really. it's fine. i don't want to ever see or talk to him again, and you going to yell at him won't make the situation better."

trinity sighs. "can i at least troll him on insta?"

"be my guest." i say, grinning. "but the thing really wanted to talk to you about is this guy. h's really funny and sweet..."

trinity squeals, clapping her hands together. "what's his name? what does he look like?"

"his name is finn, finn wolfhard. he has dark brown curly hair, he's tall and has freckles..." i falter to a stop when i see the expression on trinity's face. 

"is that him?" she says, pointing somewhere behind me. i turn around to see finn just a little bit away from us, walking into the library.

oh shit, this is coincidental.


hey guys :P

i was really bored so i just quickly wrote a chapter and ik its probably kinda crappy but i'm lacking inspo rn lol

question of the day: milk first or cereal first? i put cereal first and i think anyone who puts milk first is mentally insane and needs a therapist. just kidding... no seriously how can you put milk first.... its the weirdest thing ever!

rant of the day: i really really really hate people who have such short tempers and get triggered over every little thing, like its annoying! ik some ppl can't control it but i have like two friends who get salty and defensive towards me outta nowhere. 

song of the day: GOD IS A WOMAN BY QUEEN ARI

love y'all 

- R

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