28: take the fucking lasagna

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// 1301 words //

// inspired by buzzcut season by lorde //




"FINN, UM, MY PARENTS want you to come for dinner tonight." i say hesitantly, breaking the silence between us.

finn immediately stops on the sidewalk, holding my hand and pulling me to a stop too. "tonight?" he says, raising his eyebrows, and drawing circle on my hand with his thumb.

"yeah, will that work?" i say, going on my tiptoes to look him straight in the eyes.

"i have a feeling your mom won't like me..." finn says, sighing as he continues to walk me home. "she seems strict."

i laugh, leaning my head on finns shoulder. "you don't have anything to worry about. she won't even care about you that much. caleb on the other hand..."

"anything i do have to worry about?" finn asks, as we slow to a stop in front of my house. he gives my backpack back to me, he insisted on carrying it during the walk despite my protests.

"my dad. he'll grill you with questions. it takes a while for him to trust anyone..." i reply, locking my hands behind finns neck and looking up at him. "don't stress, okay?"

finn sighs and holds my face in his hands as he kisses me, and then rests his forehead on mine. "iris is so fucking annoying now, all she does all day is tease me because apparently she's shipped us for years."

i smile, bringing my hands down to his shoulders. "i'll see you tonight, okay? dress nice."


"please shut up, sadie..." i groan as sadie looks for something for me to wear in my closet.

"fine, fine, but i swear you two are the cutest couple since justin and selena." sadie replies, raising her eyebrows at me.

"justin and hailey are better." i mumble, sadies head whipping around when she hears me.

"excuse me?!"

"it's facts, they're engaged." i say, shrugging as i stand up to join sadie at my closet. of course sadie is already dressed and ready, wearing a white sundress and her hair up in a sleek ponytail.

"jailey is not a better ship than jelena, no matter what the rest of the world says." sadie grumbles. "anyway, what are you gonna wear? finn arrives in like an hour."

i look thought the window at the setting sun, indicating that i only had a little while to get ready. "i don't know, you pick for me." i say as sadie goes even deeper into my closet.

"that's what i'm trying to do here!" 

after a minute sadie pulls out a black romper and holds it out to me. "wear this. it's the only semi-nice thing you own."

i sigh and take the piece of clothing from her and stare at it for a moment. "can't i just wear sweats-"

"NO, take a shower and change into this." sadie says before i can even finish my sentence and she pushes me into the bathroom to change, ignoring my protests.

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