25: lips on lips

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25th chapter, ya already know something's about to happen

// 1710 words //

// inspired by COLLIDE by rachel platten //




"MILLIE WAKE THE FUCK UP." sadie screams at me as she climbs on top of my bed.

i half open one eye to look up at her, still half trapped in sleepiness. i groan and look over at my alarm clock to see that it's 8 am on the dot, school starts in thirty minutes. 

"whaaaaaat..." i say, wanting nothing more than to block out the rest of the world, and sleep for four more hours. 

"millie..." sadie says, stepping off my bed and standing beside me. "there is a thing we have to go to called school, and it's required to have a good future. so WAKE UP." 

i pull the blanket over my face, to try and block out the rays of sunlight escaping the curtains. "can i skip today? pleaseeee sadie?"

i hear sadie walk away and i smile in victory, but just as i snuggle in and slip back into sleep, sadie catapults clothes into my face.

"wear them!" sadie says, now pulling me out of bed and into a standing position. "and we'll go get starbucks before school starts, i promise."

i sigh. "pinky promise?"

sadie hooks her pinky with mine and then without warning shoves the clothes into my hands, denim shorts, a hawkins high t-shirt, and vans, and pushes me into the bathroom. "get ready in ten minutes!"


i sip at my coffee as i half listen to ms. dyers presentation about how to make your essay captivating and shit. nothing against dyer, but i just don't get along with mornings. i shift my gaze to the window, showing the view of the outdoor campus. we don't have classes there much in the first half of the year cause of bugs and the weather, but no matter the time of the year, mosquitoes always find their way to me.

i swear it's like i'm a human magnet or something.

"millie?" i hear ms. dyer say, bringing me back to reality. "what are your thoughts on this novel?"

i flick my eyes over to the smartboard before answering. "it portrays a world and government system that's strangely scary to think about, considering that similar events could happen in real life. the debate of the people against the government is an ongoing one. like now, trump wants to build a wall to separate the united states from mexico, and has administered many travel bans against muslims and is threatening to shut down the government if he is not able to build the border wall. of course there is going to be people who disagree with them, i disagree with him, and this situation that the united states is in right now is not far from the situation that created the hunger games in the first place."

i take a breath and look at ms. dyer to see if what i said was a good answer and when she slowly nods in shock,  i turn to the window again and blank out, the rest of the class staring at me.


i stare at the five pages of math equations that i had to apparently finish in class or else it became homework. five pages. five pages. the equations were printed so small so as many as possible could fit on one page, making my head hurt just looking at it. i look over at iris to see some of the worksheets pushed on the ground and that she has her phone in clear view and is scrolling through instagram.

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