27: cheese sticks are so weird

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// 1027 words //

// inspired by MINE by bazzi //




"dude, just go and ask her." i tell caleb as we leave mrs. ryders science classroom and head towards lunch.

caleb sighs and opens a chat with sadie, a finger hovering over the keyboard. "it's not that i don't want to ask her, i'm just scared of what she'll say."

i catch sight of millie, sadie and the other girls already at our lunch table and i nudge caleb, nodding in the direction of sadie. "here's your chance. there's no way she wouldn't say yes."

caleb nods and takes in a deep breath. "i'm going to do it. i'm gonna ask her out." we near the table and i slide in next to millie, wrapping an arm around her waist as i do so.

"why does caleb look so nervous?" millie asks, leaning her head on my shoulder as we both look up at caleb who's fidgeting with his fingers and wiping his palms on his jeans.

"he's gonna ask sadie out." i whisper as millies eyes widen and she looks at sadie who's ranting to iris about cheese sticks and completely oblivious to the fact that caleb is behind her.

"really?" millie says, a smile breaking out on her face. "she's liked him for forever. she'll be so happy."

"no really," we catch of a bit of sadies conversation with a unamused iris. "like cheese sticks are so weird, i hate them. they're so greasy and you always have to wash your hands before you eat them! and the flavor! it's so bland and leaves this weird after taste in your mouth, it's horrible, i swear..." sadie falters to a stop when she feels calebs presence behind her.

"sadie, i need to ask you something... like now..." caleb says as sadie stands up and hesitantly follows caleb out of the cafeteria and into the hallway, looking over her shoulder at millie who's smiling.

"does caleb really like her?" millie asks me as noah and gaten arrive, sporting new jerseys.

"he never stops talking about her." noah says, taking a seat next to luna. "it's always sadie this sadie that. it's getting annoying now, really."

we hear a squeal coming from behind us and i turn around to see with her hands over her mouth and nodding vigorously as caleb breaks out into a smile. sadie looks at caleb for a moment before wrapping her arms around his neck and giving him a hug. i see caleb give me a thumbs up behind sadie and i chuckle and turn back around.

"literally, they liked each other for so long, how did they just figure it out now?" iris says as sadie and caleb make their way back to our table, hands intertwined.



"MILLIE!" my mom calls out my name from the living room, probably wanting me to do more chores.

"WHAT?" i yell back, laying on the ground of my room texting iris. i wait for my moms answers, but she stays silent. "WHATTTTTTT." i yell again, putting down my phone and still getting no answer back.

"oh my god..." i whisper to myself as i grudgingly stand up and walk downstairs to the kitchen where she's sitting. "whattttt?" i say stopping in front of her and crossing my arms.

"we need to talk." mom says, gesturing for me to sit down on the chair next to her.

i roll my eyes and plop down on the dining table chair. "what did i do this time?"

"well," mom says, taking my hands in hers. "i have noticed there's a boy..."

"oh come on!" i say standing up and starting to walk away. "there's no way i'm having this conversation with you. go annoy sadie she's going on a date tonight."

my mom raises her eyebrows in shock. "sadie? sadie is going on a date?"

i sigh, exasperated. "yes mom. sadie's going on a date, with a guy you've never met before. now can i leave please?"

"young lady, sit down." mom snaps at me, crossing her arms. "i'll deal with sadie later, i have some questions for you first. is there a boy or is there not a boy?"

i groan, laying my head down on the table. "yes! yes, mom there's a boy what're you gonna do about it?"

"millie, you haven't even told us about him! your father and i have no idea how this boy acts and whether or not we want you dating him!"

"mother!" i say, slamming my hands down on the table. "his name is finn wolfhard. he's iris' stepbrother. i've known him for more than ten years for gods sake!"

my mom pauses for a moment before replying. "is he anything like romeo?"

i laugh. "is that what your worried about? because no, he isn't. romeo doesn't even compare to finn. now can i leave?"

"millie..." my mom says, sighing. "i-i just don't want to see you hurt again, that's it. i don't mean to be overprotective or strict, just... tell us when things like this happen, alright?"

i manage a small smile. "yes mom... i promise you and dad will like him."

"well, i'd like to meet this wolfhard boy myself." a deep voice says as i see john sink, my dad enter the dining room. "invite him for dinner tomorrow, will you?"

"tomorrow?" my mom and i say at the same time.

"honey, isn't that too soon?" my mom says, confused.

"millie, tell figg or finn or whatever his name is, that we've invited him for dinner tomorrow, no questions asked." dad says, ruffling my hair.

"okay, now can i leave?"

"yes, go call sadie down, i need to have a little talk with her."



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