30|| The Battle

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((I'm sorry if this sounds like DreamWorks, but this chapter is gonna break you as much as season six))

After about half an hour in our awkward ride, we finally arrived to the base. Let me just say: it was way worse than I had expected. Fighters and even cruisers were everywhere, attacking the base. The blade was doing the best they could in their little fighter pods, but it wouldn't be enough.

"Who the hell's attacking anyway?" Pidge asked.

"The Galra forces," Kolivan responded.

"But that's impossible! Lotor is emperor now!" Lance yelled.

I gritted my teeth. "Haggar. She has Lotor's generals as well. The base is as good as gone."

"Jade, let's not get too discouraged about this," Allura said, "we just have—"

"NO! Don't you understand?! If we fight here and now, Haggar will kill us all! We need to evacuate the base, all Voltron can do is hold them off!" I screamed.


"WE. NEED. TO. EVACUATE. Haggar- Haggar's attacking because of me," I sobbed. "When I was still her spy, she ordered me to give her whereabouts on the Blade of Marmora. She knew Voltron would come... she's here because of me."

There was silence from everyone.

"...Let's evacuate the base," Shiro said finally. I bowed my head in shame. If we died today, it would be my fault, and I was not going to let that happen. Not now, not ever. Shiro barked orders to everyone, but I wasn't listening. I had to make sure Keith was okay.

"Jade... I know you're thinking about him," Jared muttered to me. "We need to focus on the mission at hand."

"You fight. I need to see him." With that I blasted out of the pod, leaving a shocked Jared. If only they knew my real plan...

I flew to the base, knowing my fate. Sighing, I entered the base and waited. I heard shouts from the others, demands being made, and occasionally cries for help. I wanted to fight alongside them, but I knew I had to do this.

I waited for what seemed like forever, until Lance finally said, "They're all out! Jade! Let's go! Where are you?!"

I didn't respond, but instead took off my helmet and ripped out the mic. There, they would think I was dead. Well.. it wouldn't be long until I did. Knowing my team, they would probably search the area. Jared's pod flew by, but he spotted me. He flew towards me, but I shook my head and gestured for him to go away. At first he seemed like he wanted to protest, but he left me and flew away. He knew I had my own plan.

Jared's POV

"Guys, we need to get out of here now!" I yelled, flying away from Jade. When I saw her, she looked like she had a plan in mind, a dangerous one. 

"What?! Did you find Jade?!" Lance asked, his voice cracking. I sighed, hating myself.

"J-Jade... Jade's dead."

It hurt to hear the silence from everyone else, but I had to help her any way I could. After what I had said on the ride here, I felt like I owed her... oddly enough.

"W-what?" Keith asked from the Black lion. "I-Is she really?"

I didn't say anything, but my silence was answer enough for him.


"Keith.." Lance said gently, "As much as I hate to say this, we need to go now. Haggar is starting to attack Voltron. We need to get back to the castle now."

I just heard sobbing from the other end, and honestly, even though I had a burning hatred for Keith, I knew what I had just said was torture to him. I looked back at where Jade was hiding, and I just hoped that she would come back.

Jade's POV

After a while, the lions flew away, I'm guessing Jared convinced everyone that I was dead. I smiled softly a little at the fact that he actually did it. I took one of Pidge's explosives, and once Voltron was out of sight, I got ready to defuse it inside the Blade's base. If I was lucky, the black holes would make the explosions worse, if I wasn't... no damage would be done. I had to take that risk. I knew Haggar was within the distance of the explosion, and if I could wipe her and the generals out, this war would be over. My life wouldn't matter.

I defused the bomb before I could think myself out of it.


Y'know how some people say that your life flashes before your eyes right before you die? That kinda happened to me. I saw everyone I cared about, and thought about what made them unique.

First I saw Hunk, the sweet little cinnamon roll that could cheer anyone up with his cooking.

Then I saw Coran, the one who could make anyone laugh just with how random he was.

I saw Pidge, the smartass who could think her way out of any situation.

I saw Shiro, the man who loved his team and protected it, no matter the cost.

I saw Allura, the most badass princess I've ever known.

I saw Kekini, the bright, bubbly girl that I was proud to call my friend, even sister.

I saw Lance, the dorkiest, funniest, best brother in the entire universe.

I saw Jared, the most loyal guy a girl could ever ask for. He never left your side, no matter what was going on.

Finally, I saw Keith, someone I didn't know what to feel. I should probably hate him for leaving, but no matter what, I can't dislike him for even a second. I knew it was love, but not the same kind of love I had experienced with Jared, that was a sweeter kind of love. With Keith... loving Keith was a more dangerous thing. He was more unpredictable and so hard to understand at the same time. He was... like me. I had never realized it, but we were more similar than I had thought.

And I was never going to forget that, not even as I saw the bright yellow and orange fire coming towards me, taking my life like blowing out a candle.


What the fuck is the book anymore? I just want a hug from Jared. Or Keith. Stop judging me.

I'm sorry if this tortured you guys. It hurt to write this. I have no idea where this book is going.

Anyway, it's like five am, so I'm gonna get some sleep.


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