37|| Aunt

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"It's a message to me."

"Well, what's it say?!"

"Jade McClain, if you're reading this, you likely need my guidance or an explanation about what really happened to you. I'll tell you.

"When you first came to the Galra HQ, I had no particular interest in you. You were human. Mundane. However, upon further investigation, I discovered that you are, in fact, not human. You were Altean, and not just Altean, you were also my niece. While you think I took you in and experimented on you, you were wrong. You don't remember it, but I taught you Altean Alchemy. You were my apprentice, there to learn magic. It was never my intention to hurt you, but Zarkon had other plans. 

"He tried to kill you, and in my desperation, I had to let you go. I replaced your memories with fake ones, so that you would think the Galra and I were evil, and would never come back. However, those memories must have resurfaced, because here you are now, reading this.

"I suppose you think this is all a lie. For instance, why would you have two souls, one not your own? When you were my apprentice, we were experimenting on new types of magic, together. You had become like a daughter to me. I can explain Oboroten as well. 

"You see, we had been experimenting on a new type of weapon, but in order to create it, we'd need a expert in Altean Alchemy, and so you volunteered. I told you the dangers, warned you of the risk, but you did it anyway, you did it to help overthrow Zarkon. Once we had fused your two souls together, the result of the permanent damage still show on you to this day. Your ears and tail have become a part of your normal form. 

"All Alteans have a default form, yours was a human one, as is your family's. However, Oboroten's default form had become yours as well, which is why you took on these ears and tail. Now, to explain what happened when you died.

"When you died, or sacrificed yourself for Voltron, you didn't die, but it did take quite a bit of your Altean quintessence. I was the one who nursed you back to health and sent you on your way. Of course, I had to erase your memories then too, but because you had also weakened me, you may have brief memories of being with the Galra once again.

"As for this note, only you can read it. If you don't remember, we had created a secret code that mixed the Altean and Galran languages, just in case we ever needed to give each other messages like this. 

"I cannot tell you of my whereabouts, or even if I am safe. Just know: I am your ally.


I looked at the note in shock, Lance was staring at me. Everything made sense. The pieces fit. After I read it, I could remember flashes of me working on experiments, with my aunt. This is why I had visions. This is why I had wolf ears. Lance looked at the message.

"Jade, what do these numbers mean?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked back at the note. At the end, there were numbers, coordinates.

"This is where we need to go."


Several hours later, we reach our destination, which looks like a small Galra base, and if not for the coordinates, we would have never noticed it. We fly closer, ready to fire if necessary. I speak to the base.

"Hello? This is the Jade, leader of Voltron, pilot of the Black lion. We wish to speak with an Altean named Honerva. We come in peace."

A voice spoke back, probably one of her druids. "Understood. Please proceed. Any people/ships accompanying you must wait outside. We are sorry for this inconvenience."

The red lion backed up. "I don't like the sound of this Jade. What if they capture you?"

"I'll be fine," I said. "Take the Black lion back to the castle, just in case." With that, I left the giant cat, and used my boosters to fly towards the base. A small hatch opened, barely big enough for a person. I landed on the base, which seemed to be more of a ship than anything. A Galra century stood there, waiting to escort me.

It led me through several dark halls, the only light coming from thin purple strips in the walls. At last, we reached what seemed to be the bridge of the ship, where my aunt stood. To my surprise, her hood was off, but the most shocking thing was when she turned around. 

She was back in her Altean form, but the red marks on her Galra form still remained. She actually had pupils now, and her eyes were a beautiful honey color. However, you could tell she was aged. Wrinkles lined her face, wrinkles that hadn't been there when she was in Galra form. Her eyes widened as she saw me walk in, and ran over to throw her arms around me. She started to weep.

"Jade, I'm so sorry for deceiving you, I wish I coul—"

"It's alright. I understand, but there's something I need you to tell me, Honerva. Where is Lotor?"

She brushed tears from her eyes. "Yes, of course. Lotor was here not too long ago, you just missed him. In fact, he took my generals with him, since they originally worked for him."

"Do you know where he's headed?"

"No, but my guess is Voltron. His plan was to overthrow everyone, even his allies, and become emperor of Altea, with the princess as his wife."

"I should've known," I growled. "I trusted that bastard. I'm sorry, but I need to go. If Lotor succeeds his plan, then we may all be doomed."

I turned around, but she grabbed my shoulder, her eyes pleading. "Please, don't go. You can be my apprentice again, just like we used to. Besides, this is Voltron's fight, not yours."

"I'm a part of Voltron," I said. The Altean shook her head.

"You aren't. Haven't you realized? The true leader is Keith."

"On that note, why did you clone Shiro?"

"It was a way to keep an eye on you, make sure you were safe," Honerva said. "You were the only person I had ever cared for. You were like a daughter to me. That's all I ever wanted."

"You have Lotor," I said impatiently.

"Lotor doesn't see me as a mother. In fact, he doesn't want me in his life," she said glumly. Sympathy washed over me.

"I'm sorry, but I have to at least try to fight. They are my family. I swear I'll come back, when this is all over, and we can go live on Earth. You can meet my family, I'm sure they'd accept you," I said, taking her hand in mine. "Please, Aunt Honerva. I need to go."

Honerva sighed, but smiled. "Alright, but if you dare die, I'll never forgive you."

I chuckled. "I'll try not to."

"Come, let's get you a ship back to the Castle of the Lions."


Hey my dudes! Sorry, I've been busy, so this update took a while. 

Also, this is going to sound so stupid, but I cut my finger on my razor, so it's currently wrapped up in band-aids and typing is hard now. Bleh. This is just the stupid things that happen to me for some dumbass reason.

Also, my cousin introduced me to Panic at the disco and I'm in love. I'm stuck in music hell now

-Moon 💙

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