Part 4 - Monday blues...or pinks?!

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***Author's P.O.V***

So it's finally MONDAY.....the day that our nerd-who-was-preparing-for-her-first-day-at-another-office-like-she-was-giving-an-entrance-exam Sahana and asshole-who-made-his-friend-ditch-his-girlfriend-and-listen-to-his-introvert-problems Arush had been dreading, from the past 2 days.

{No I wasn't waiting till Monday to update this chapter... I had exams so I was busy reading textbooks like Sahana....not the same text book! Thank God for that! Had enough of Proakis and Simon Haykin to last a life time! :P}

Sahana woke up early {around 5:30 am} and after completing her morning chores, wore her jogging clothes with shoes and went to the park to jog, plugging in her headphone to her iPhone X and listening to her jogging music. 

Jogging helps increase oxygen flow to the brain, and with a nervous day ahead, Sahana desperately needed her brain to obey her commands today - and not do a brain fart!

'Oh, angel sent from up above

You know you make my world light up
When I was down, when I was hurt
You came to lift me up
Life is a drink and love's a drug
Oh, now I think I must be miles up
When I was a river dried up
You came to rain a flood

Chris Martin sang through her iPhone and in her mind, Sahana sang along {she thought that the crows in the park would peck her to death if she started singing in her tuneless voice, because according to her, even the crowing of crows is much more melodious than her singing voice - she's as realistic as it get guys!}

Sahana ran 5 laps around her usual park with Chris Martin, Enrique Iglesias, Sia and Arijit Singh giving her company {via her iTunes} before turning back home to get ready for the day.


Our granite {stone...cold...geddit?} Arush on the other hand woke up at 6am as usual, and wore his workout clothes and went to his home gym to do his usual workout, plugging in his headphones to his iPhone X.

'Til I hit the dance floor
Hit the dance floor
I got all I need
No I ain't got cash
I ain't got cash
But I got you baby
Baby I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight
(I love cheap thrills!)
Baby I don't need dollar bills to have fun tonight
(I love cheap thrills!)
But I don't need no money
As long as I can feel the beat
I don't need no money
As long as I keep dancing'

Sia sang while he chuckled thinking 'well who would want cheap thrills when you can go have luxurious fun using money? Don't tell me money don't matter! No BABY can fill the place of money! You DO need dollars and bills to pay your bills lady!' but sang along with her under his breath.

He'd sing it out loud, except that his voice would come out as grunts when he's doing such heavy cardio, and he'd have to waste extra energy to sing loudly, which he didn't want to!

After an intense workout session, Arush headed back to his room to get ready for the day - dreading the team meeting of the day.


After her bath, Sahana wore a monotone deep-red chudidhar with short-sleeves and silk beige colored duppatta, leaving her waist-length jet-black hair in a nice plait. Clapping a metal watch on her left hand, Sahana wore tiny jhumkas to complement her Indian formal look. She never wore any make-up, except perhaps kohl/eyeliner and a tinted lip balm/ lipstick.

Wanting to create a good first-impression, Sahana wore eye-liner, tinted red lip-balm, and completed her look with a small black bindi between her eyebrows.

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