***Sahana's P. O. V***
What?! Why the fuck was I holding onto his belt?! And more over, when the fuck did my hand move to his belt?!
Could this day get any more embarrassing?!
Remember the time when I was embarrassed just for holding his eye gaze?!
Why do get myself more and more embarrassed?! That too all in one fucking day alone?!
I didn't dare look at him and quickly retrieved my hand, turning back to fidgeting with my hands to stop them from doing anything else...rather...to stop them from doing something stupid.
The silence remained and my breathing became slow and deep again as I felt something warm fanning my cheeks and neck, his woody perfume making my senses go haywire.
I heard a sudden buzzing, soon after which Arush started swearing loudly.
Confused, I looked up to see Arush looking thoroughly disappointed as he said "uh... Sorry.... For... That.... Um... You wanted to... Uh... Talk something.... Uh... Miss... I mean... Uh... Sahana?" Which came out like a stutter.
Okay shouldn't I be the one whose face goes pink and stutters? But no??!!! Arush was turning crimson by the second and stuttering so badly.... Damn he's so cute I just want to pinch his cheeks!!
Sahana concentrate damnit!!
Oh yeah right.
As Arush slowly moved away back towards his table, I too moved forward to stand in front of his table, looking intently at him as he looked at his phone screen, disconnected whose-ever call it was and turned to look questioningly at me.
Damn he's adorable....but why?! And his perfume ugh!!! Why do I get so....why is the perfume making me so......fuck what's happening to me?!
"I...uh...I'm....I'mSorryForWhateverHappenedEarlier" I blurted in one go.
The tiniest of smirk formed on Arush's face and blood again rose to my cheeks, as though on cue.
"I...I'm sorry....for......earlier" I said, as slowly as possible, whilst looking down at my hands. I cannot look at him.
I know I'll do something terribly stupid if I look up at him!!
Yeah like everything you did so far was very sensible and sane yeah?! - my subconscious chided me.
Fine!! If I look up at him, I'll do even more stupid shit...happy?!
"Oh..well...um....yeah...me too" I heard Arush's soft and almost husky voice which finally made me look up at him.
Though he was leaning on his desk facing me and a good distance away from me, yet he easily towered over me, not in an intimidating sort of way though!!
Still rubbing the nape of his neck and a pink tinge adorning his handsome face, Arush somehow looked cuter than usual as he looked at me....shyly?!
WAIT!! Was that THE ARUSH INTIMIDATING SHARMA who's looking all shy?!
As my hands just stood there by my side, I got a startling question in my head - what do I usually do with these hands of mine?! Do they just stay limp by my side?!
Oh no your hands just dance away like a drunk idiot - my subconscious chided me.
Oh yeah my hands don't ever stay idle!!! That's why I fiddle with them!!
So, fiddling with my hands, I looked right into Arush's strikingly handsome face, taking in every millimeter of that handsome shy and beautiful face that was now etched in a beautiful smile!!

Melting Hearts
RomanceIf you're looking for a typical hot and handsome hero, then go ahead, read the story. But, if you're expecting a typical romance story - to bad, this ain't one! Our Sahana is as her name suggests - shy, sweet and innocent. And not so surprising is t...