***Sahana's P. O. V***
I knew that I had no go - I had to help Riya!! And that's not the problem at all!!
The problem was that I was an idiot who'd done the mistake of clutching her boss's hand for God knows how long and then freaking blushing when we got interrupted!!
I looked at my watch - it was already half past 3 and I had to leave by 4!!
I'd spent a good 10 minutes wondering what to do, but hadn't gotten any where near to a solution, except perhaps getting more anxious!!
Biting my lip I picked up my intercom - it'd be easier to ask his permission over the phone rather than face the handsome dude and mess up my brain even more right?!
But even as I dialed his intercom number, the events of the afternoon flashed in my mind and I quickly put-down the receiver.
No!! I can't do it!! I'm a wreck and I cannot do such conversations with even normal people without first rehearsing it and here we're talking about Arush sir!!!
Okay Sahana take deep calming breaths... You're gonna be alright. You're a fighter. You're a strong confident woman and you're your Bhai's sister and you're definitely not a coward - a voice spoke in my mind... Bhai's voice.
Okay for all you people wondering what's the big deal in going and talking to my boss and taking his permission to leave early - SHAG OFF!!
Right! Okay Sahana take a deep breath and you can do this!!
Okay so what do I tell him?! Arush... Gosh I can't believe he told me to call him as Arush!!
Blood again rushed to my cheeks at that memory - 'you can call me Arush'
Sahana c'mon back on track! You've got to go and speak to the devil himself!! - I told myself
Devil? More like a hot and handsome devil you mean?
Okay Sahana kick your ass and go talk to him.
Right! First prep talk!!
So what do I tell him?! Right!!
'hello sir'
Sir?! Dude he asked you to call him Arush!!
Oh yeah right!!
'Arush?! Can I talk to you for a second?!'
Yeah that's right but not in that sexy tone babe!!
Sexy tone?!
Okay now don't interrupt and listen to this-
'uh Hi Arush?! Can I...talk to you for a second?!'
'Oh hey Sahana...my beautiful... what's the matter?'
Sahana my beautiful?! Dude he's your boss and not your lover - my subconscious chided me.
And you know what? Just go to him, tell him you're done for the day and say you need to leave early...don't think so much - my subconscious added.
Hmpf yes okay I'll do that.
Muttering the words 'sir I'm done for the day so could I please leave early?' under my breath, I quickly walked to Arush sir's cabin.
Standing in front of the transperent door, I closed my eyes as I ran through my mental conversation again-
'Excuse me Arush...sir?! Can I come in??' I'll ask in a very polite tone

Melting Hearts
Roman d'amourIf you're looking for a typical hot and handsome hero, then go ahead, read the story. But, if you're expecting a typical romance story - to bad, this ain't one! Our Sahana is as her name suggests - shy, sweet and innocent. And not so surprising is t...