***Arush's P.O.V***
"Wait, you're Riya's boyfriend right?" the dude in the bike {Reyansh} added, making both me and Sahana groan loudly.
Both me and Sahana looked at one another for a second before Reyansh asked "And this is?" indicating me.
"He's my bo...boyfriend...Arush" Sahana said.
"What?" came the loud exclamations from me, Kabir and that dude Reyansh, simultaneously, making both Reyansh and Kabir look at me with raised eyebrows, while Sahana gave me a pleading and apologetic look.
"He's my boyfriend" Sahana said again, in a tone that I'm pretty sure is very close to a groan, which made me frown - why's she groaning if I'm her boyfriend?! Isn't she happy to have someone as handsome as me become her boyfriend?!
Yeah that is the thing to think about, and not why she called you her boyfriend?! - my subconscious mocked me.
Well isn't it obvious?! If she says I'm her boss, then Kabir will get to know that Riya works under me, hence this lie duh?!
"Asshole here has a girlfriend that I don't even know about?! Wait!!! Asshole is dating my sister?!" Kabir shrieked, making me frown at him - it's not nice of him to call me an asshole in front of my girlfriend and her brother {my would-be-saala}
I saw Sahana's beautiful lips tug into a smile that she so tried yet failed to control! Why isn't she defending me saying I'm not an asshole?! Because that's what you are - a huge asshole - my subconscious chided me!
"I never even knew that Arush had a heart, let alone have the capability to loose it to some girl, and let alone the fact that the girl he lost it to is my difficult to please sister!" Kabir mumbled, making Sahana actually giggle - and may I add that her giggle sounds sweeter than sugar?!
Bro you're doomed - my subconscious smirked at me. What did I do?!
"Sonu you have a boyfriend and you never told me about it?" the dude Reyansh asked Sahana, making her cheeks turn pink - man she looks so cute right now!
Wait her nickname is Sonu?! Aww!! Such a sweet name!
"I uh...he..um.." Sahana started stuttering, looking down at her feet.
"And you Arush?! You're supposed to be my best friend and you didn't even tell me that you have a girlfriend man! This is so freaking unfair! We could have had gone on double dates 'n stuff! My best friend dating my girlfriend's best friend?! Could it get any better?!" Kabir chirped, sounding very very very dreamy by the end of it.
Sahana shot her horrified eyes to Kabir, then to me, and then to her brother who continued looking at her suspiciously.
"So Arush is it?! And you're dating my sister? You know I'm very protective of her" Reyansh said in a serious tone, making Sahana gulp in horror.
Sahana looked at me in alarm, and sent me a pleading look.
"Uh..yeah I um...understand...I..uh... I myself have a sister, so I do know how you'd feel. But believe me, she's in very safe hands" I said automatically, looking at a slightly mollified-looking Reyansh.
I don't know what made me shoot my gaze to Sahana, who looked like she's just heard a talking frog, but her expression did make me smile - why's she so surprised?! I can act and take-up hints okay?! I may act cold 'n stuff but even I do have a heart!
"Wait does Riya know about you guys?! If so, why has she never told me about it?!" Kabir asked, looking from Sahana to me with a slight frown on his face.

Melting Hearts
RomanceIf you're looking for a typical hot and handsome hero, then go ahead, read the story. But, if you're expecting a typical romance story - to bad, this ain't one! Our Sahana is as her name suggests - shy, sweet and innocent. And not so surprising is t...