Part 48 - Monday blues or... pinks?! (again!)

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***Sahana's P. O. V***

Impatiently, I kept checking my phone and getting up from my place for like every 2 minutes, to check if he's arrived.

It was Monday - or 'ugh Monday'  as I used to call it!! But all of a sudden, I didn't hate Mondays anymore. It was because of Arush of course, who was yet to arrive at office.

As expected, Arush and I remained glued to our respective phones once he'd dropped me home, and well, everything was all mushy-mushy romantic until he decided to be a dick and stop responding to my messages! 

What happened you ask?! Well, Arush had asked for me to wait for him. He said that he'd pick me up from home or from the end of the street near my home, but I shot down all his pleas because then Bhai and every fucking person in office would get to know that I'm dating Arush!

And as I'd expected Arush hadn't replied to my texts or answered my calls after that and I knew that I'd be the goat walking into a hungry lion's den today!!. Oh I bet he's mad at me and well, maybe I'll have to beg for him to pardon me, but he would hopefully come around this time.

Oh I hate how short tempered he is!! Egoistic asshole!! Ah but he's my egoistic asshole.

I couldn't help blush and smile at that last thought, and with that, I got up from my seat again to check if he's arrived.

My heart skipped a beat and I forgot my surroundings as I finally saw him, entering the office.

Time might have stopped still for all I knew and cared... My man was here and I felt extremely nervous.

I couldn't tear my eyes from him - he was wearing a royal blue suit, with white shirt {as he had said he would, yesterday!}  and blue pin-striped tie. His silky hair was set neatly using copious amounts of gel as usual.

As though feeling my gaze upon him, he looked up at me, and not sparing me another glance, looked away, as though I fucking don't even exist.

WHAT . THE . HELL?!?!?!?! I stood there, blinking my eyes in confusion, and instead of walking by my cubicle like he had promised yesterday before our stupid fight, he took the other way, the one that's away from my cubicle, and went to his cabin, not once looking up at me!!!

I stood there, still dumbfounded as realization slowly hit me - he's a true egoistic bastard and doesn't effing care really?! What am I to him after all?! A toy?!!

It's always his way or the highway for him right?! Bloody egoistic asshole!!

I almost felt like a fire breathing dragon as I glared at my surroundings which was completely devoid of people of course - who the fuck even comes to office at 8:30am on a Monday?!

You and Mr.Asshole of course!! Use this opportunity well - my subconscious said, winking at me.

The whole office was empty now and unable to think of anything else, I pushed my chair aside  angrily and marched to his cabin.

Without looking around and without even knocking on his office door, I barged in, all the while glaring at that excuse of a human being who was supposed to be my boyfriend but was ignoring the fuck out me, even now!!

"Oh... Ms.Agarwal?! Tell me for what do I owe this pleasure?" He asked in a very formal and business-like-tone, sparing me one small glance before turning his attention to that precious laptop of his. Oh how I hate his laptop.. I swear I'm gonna break it into pieces one day that piece of shit!!

"Why are you behaving like this?" I asked, moving forward and standing in front of his desk as he continued to bore into the laptop screen, ignoring the fact that his so-called-girlfriend was standing right in front of him. It was literally taking every bit of my will-power to not pick up that laptop and whirl it on his face!

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