Part 72 - Dog

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***Sahana's P. O. V***

There I was, on my bed, browsing my laptop for ideas on how to surprise Arush on Valentine's day, or at least make-up for forgetting the rose day when Riya called me up.

Her V-day gift to Kabir, as has been from the past 4 years, would be herself in a lingerie of his choice - was my assumption.

"Kya plan hai tera Kal ka?" She asked as soon as I'd answered her call.

"Office obviously" I shrugged, wondering if there was anything special the next day.

"Arre Arush ki Arushi... Meri maa... I asked if you have any plans for tomorrow evening" she said, sounding exasperated.

Though I blushed at her comment of Arush ki Arushi I quickly recovered from it as I said "mein Arush ki Sahana hu... Arushi nahi" to which she giggled.

"Oye hoye bold mohatarma....anyways tell free tomorrow evening? Or do you have any plans with... **Clear throat in a teasing manner** your boyfriend **clears throat again** I mean... Our boss" Riya asked in a serious tone, to which I blushed yet again.

"I have no plans with anyone whatsoever" I said finally.

"Uh no honey you have plans with me... I am going out for shopping and you my dear friend slash my boyfriend's best friend's girlfriend is gonna give me company" she chirped brightly.

As yet again I blushed at the reference of being Arush's girlfriend, a sudden thought occurred to me.

"Hey Riya... I uh... I need a.... Um.... Help" I said, unsure if Riya would be able to help me out.

"Shoot babes" she chirped brightly.

"I uh... I didn't wish Arush for the rose day and I don't know what to do for Valentine's day as well.... Any... Uh... suggestions?" I asked softly, already guessing her answer.

"Aha?! Arush ko khush Kar ne ki saazich rachai ja Rahi hai??" Riya asked dramatically before giggling.

"Arre Meri maa help to Karo" I sighed in exasperation.

"Ok ok...have you guys done the deed?" She asked, making me frown.

"Deed? What deed?" I asked in confusion.

"The deed Bhai... You on top of him or him on top of you or missionary or pura doggy style?" She asked, giggling.

The thought of going intimate with Arush made me blush but biting my lip I said a soft "no" to her, whilst my brain started creating scenarios of how it would be to actually and finally being intimate with Arush.

"Behen.... Arush k khayalo see Bahar aao... Okay if you've not done the deed then you can do it for Valentine's day.... Or... Gift him something priceless...not gifts that you get from money.. but gifts which is irreplaceable... Like a collage of your memories, or stuff like that??" Riya suggested thoughtfully.

I frowned - sure priceless gifts that money can't buy is the right idea, but will it be enough??

"Or as cliche as it sounds, you guys can consummate your relationship" she said in an offhanded tone.

"Look I'll be honest with you okay.... I've told him I'm ready to.... You know... Move forward....but.... He wants to wait till we got married" I said, blushing.

"What?? The decent introvert shy naive Sahana said she's ready for sex??" Riya whispered dramatically, making me face palm myself for having had divulged this unnecessary piece of information to my best friend and giving her another weapon to tease me!

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