A/n - impressed with the votes for the previous chapters? Nope! And am I still writing? Yup.
Why? Because "Revenge is a dish best served cold" ;)
***Sahana's P.O.V***
"You're really the new employee under Mr.Sharma?" the receptionist asked a bit hesitantly as she led me to my new cubical.
"Yeah. Does he always treat you like this?" I asked her, looking at her trembling form.
The receptionist didn't say anything but nod her head in agreement.
"He thinks highly of himself doesn't he?? Does he always like to show off his power like this?" I asked her curiously.
The poor girl looked at me in horror, and then whipped her head around, as though making sure he's not around us, before answering "Y..yes...he's... an arrogant...p..person"
I'm normally a person of few words {except when I'm with bhai or Riya... I'm an introvert and prefer keeping to myself} but seeing this poor girl trembling like a leaf made me want to somehow comfort her - nobody deserves to live in fear, specially due to an asshole like him!
"You don't have to fear me, or him. He's an asshole. I'm guessing everyone knows that" I said, making the receptionist smile meekly at me.
"I'm Kinjal by the way" she said, extending her hand as we reached the cubical with my name on it.
"I'm Sahana" I said, taking her hand and smiling warmly at the poor girl who returned my smile.
"So tell me Kinjal, why do you fear him? The max he can do is fire you! He's not a monster to eat you up!" I said airily, putting my things on my desk and switching on the office computer.
Kinjal looked at me as though I'm some sort of an alien before she said "A few days ago, Mr.Sharma fired an employee because she did a small typo in the report...and because she played truth-or-dare during office hours"
He really is an arrogant asshole - looks like this office's Dolores Umbridge!!
I couldn't help the smile on my face when I remembered that he too likes Harry Potter!
Couldn't he have had liked some crap like Twilight or 13-reasons-why or Justin Bieber so it'd have been easier for me to hate him - more!!
Guys I cannot help the teeny tiny soft-corner for Mr.Sharma - because he too likes Harry Potter! Harry Potter {or rather Dumbledore} taught me to forgive others' mistakes and see the good in them - believe in giving second chances.
"Last year, he fired Samantha...because she was being friendly it seams" Kinjal mumbled.
"What? He fired her because she was friendly? He really is some sort of dictator in this office, isn't he?" I asked Kinjal through gritted teeth.
Did I say I have a soft corner for Mr.Asshole? Nope I take it all back! If only someone could teach him a lesson! Or if I only got the authority or power or even the guts to talk trash and teach him a lesson....hmpf maybe I could turn into a hulk...no?
No! I hate green!! Maybe someone can turn into hulk and teach Mr.Arrogant a lesson? And about him liking Harry Potter - well, we can give second chances, but giving second chances didn't do too well to Dumbledore himself, did it?! Nope! Asshole Sharma deserves only my hatred and nothing else.
Nothing gives any man the power to treat others unkindly, and like they're filth! Everyone {most people} deserve to be treated with kindness and respect!

Melting Hearts
Roman d'amourIf you're looking for a typical hot and handsome hero, then go ahead, read the story. But, if you're expecting a typical romance story - to bad, this ain't one! Our Sahana is as her name suggests - shy, sweet and innocent. And not so surprising is t...