Part 54 - Why should boys have all the fun?! (Part 2)

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***Arush's P.O.V***

"What?" I asked, looking from her to my phone, on who's screen was now a picture of Mia Khalifa in.... uh... you know.... 'not-so-decent'.... okay fine.... a naked Mia Khalifa.

Fuck I had forgotten I still had that picture on my phone! Oh holy fuck I think the picture might have opened when I threw my phone onto the bed as I saw Sahana in my room. Oh fuck this isn't going to be good!!

With her usually calm and peaceful face contorted in rage, her plum lips pursed into a straight line, Sahana looked like a fire-breathing dragon as she shot her fire-y gaze from me to that picture of Mia Khalifa and back to me.

"I was looking at your pictures and when I heard you coming in... I threw my phone away and that's how that picture got on the screen. I swear Sahana I wasn't looking at her!!" I stuttered a little, holding her small hands in mine and willing her to believe me.

"Right, but that doesn't explain what that....that woman's.... such a picture... was doing in your phone.... in the first place" she said slowly, anger gushing in on every word she uttered.

"I... I... I... .before...... n...not....not now" I stuttered under her glare.

"What?" she hissed, and I jumped. Getting to my knees in front of her, I took both of her hands in mine and tugged her hands to make her look at me.

"I used to.... before you Sahana.... I swear.. I've not looked at porn or even those pictures in a very long time... more than like 2 and a half months now.. I swear... not since you...we... got together!!" I said truthfully, hoping against hope that she'd believe me.

Sahana  shot her angry gaze to me and finally sighed, her face relaxing as she said "Which picture of mine were you looking at so much by the way?!"

I gaped at her, with my mouth wide open - really she was letting go off the matter?! She fucking believed me!?

"I'm a human Arush... not a dragon like you that I'll hold onto it and start showing my anger" she said coolly, rolling her eyes at me.

"Yeah but still... I thought.... your reaction.... I thought you'd throw a tantrum!!" I said, feeling extremely relieved that she'd not thrown a tantrum!!

"Tantrum?! That's your job Arush, not mine!! And in any case, when I was down... before climbing into your balcony, I heard your parents talking through their open bedroom window.... I eavesdropped when I heard them talking about their bahu aka me.... they were saying how you've become very somber recently and that you looked all sad 'n depressed.... they were saying that maybe you had a fight with me and that you've broken up with me or something and that's why you're all like a walking zombie.... they were considering talking to me apparently.." She said, grinning at me.

"Wait... I'd told them that you're out of town!! And given how... how I've never felt like this for any girl before, they really thought I'd break up with you?!" I asked, unable to hold the surprise from my voice.

"You're an arrogant asshole with a bad temper and would not think twice before hurting their bahu it seams.... your dad was saying... your mom agreed to it actually" Sahana said, shrugging.

"Hey that's not true!! I'd never hurt you Sahana" I said, looking aghast at the casual way in which she spoke.

"Dude you fucking have the temper higher than that of a volcano okay?! Your words and actions do hurt.... you let that anger control you... most dudes let their dicks control them but you.... egoistic asshole... you let your anger control you... the day of our first kiss how you stormed from my place?! And then a few days before I left too.... you got pissed because I didn't let you drop me... Dude these are small issues and you fucking get so angry... I don't like it at all.... it's like I don't know when you'll shout and storm off!" she said in one breath, hurt evident in her eyes.

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