Part 19 - Smile

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***Sahana's P. O. V***

"Kabir had been trying to contact Riya and finally succeeded at it.... same old rant of the love birds you know?! And then Kabir told me that he and Riya are going to a club this Friday evening, i.e tomorrow, and both of them have kindly asked me to join them, along with the new love birds Arush and Sahana. So both of you are to come to this romantic evening, together" Raj said, smirking.

Why do bad things happen to good people?! And oh that Riya ki bachchi.....she very well knows that I am in no way interested in Arush sir and now she's inviting me to this stupid evening?! What the hell?!

A guffaw of laughter broke my trance and I looked around to find Bhai and Raj roaring with laughter. Mustering my courage I slowly turned to face Arush sir who was.... Pink in the face?! Oh my God sir was blushing?

My eyes almost popped out of my head as I saw Arush sir blushing... Like a newly married bride!!!

"Wooing Sahana with that blush Arush?" Raj asked, chortling.

As though on cue, blood rushed upto my cheeks too but I glared at Bhai as I said "Bhai that's enough please stop"

But neither did Bhai, nor did Raj stop chortling. Instead, bhai spoke up - "taking your boyfriend's side so soon huh Sonu? " And guffawed with laughter again!

If possible, even more blood rushed to my cheeks and I dared not to look at sir! What the fuck has happened to my brother and what the fucking fuck has happened to me? Why am I blushing?! What must Arush sir think if my own brother behaves like this?! Wouldn't he think that I'm interested in him?

Don't look at me like that! I am NOT interested in Arush sir!

"I'm leaving" I said, pushing my chair and getting up to my feet. At once Bhai and Raj stopped laughing and stared apologetically at me.

"I'm sorry" Bhai and Raj said together. I just glared at them with all the anger that I could muster.

"We're sorry Sonu please forgive us... we were just pulling your leg that's all" Bhai said hastily, looking guilty.

"I'm not the only one to whom you owe an apology" I said, now looking down at Arush sir, who was determinantly looking down at the drink in his hand.

Bhai and Raj both looked like they're about to burst laughing again, and both their eyes twinkled maleciously but neither of them said anything {thankfully!} except "sorry Arush"

"It's...okay" came Arush sir's voice, who was still looking down!

"I'm sorry Sahana I just got a little carried away... It's not always that I get an opportunity to tease asshole...I mean... Arush like this, you know? Please forgive me" Raj said earnestly, almost begging with his eyes for me to sit down.

"Sorry Sonu... I shouldn't have had...I'm sorry" Bhai said apologetically.

"Fine" I said, sitting down.

"But you guys do know that you both will have to come to this couples.." Raj said in an emotion-less voice, though his eyes were still glinting with malice.

"Yeah well...I'll have a talk with Riya..let's see" I said, shrugging.

Nothing else happened except that the evening dragged itself very slowly. Arush sir became exceptionally silent, and didn't even glare at the waitress who came back to our table and tried to get his phone number!

Admittedly, my blood boiled as the waitress hinted about how she's getting off early today and that she'd be happy to see Arush sir again, and etcetera and I was really hoping to see Arush sir tell her off!!

I was beyond disappointed when he didn't tell her off!! But...well, the only plus side was that he didn't entertain that bitch either!!

Raj and Bhai continued to chat till all of us finally finished our drinks and decided to leave.

Bhai and Raj moved to the counter to pay the bill whilst I and Arush sir slowly made our silent way out of the cafe and stood at the space between his car and Bhai's bike.

"You don't have to worry much Sahana...I mean...Miss.Agarwal... I'll talk to Kabir... It won't cause any trouble between Riya and him... don't worry" Arush sir said all of a sudden, breaking the nasty silence.

"I was actually going to say that I'll be talking to Riya regarding the same..... But really I'm sorry for creating all this problem in the first place" I said seriously, looking up at him.

Was it just me or did he actually smile a little?!

"And there's no need of so much formality too could call me just by my name...Sahana... instead of all this Miss Agarwal crap! You call Riya by her first name" I said, before I could stop myself.

Fine it felt really nice to have him call me as SAHANA for once! And it felt really annoying to have him call Riya as Riya itself and not by her surname!

Biting my lower lip nervously, I looked up at sir who was actually grinning! What the fuck man he looks so fucking hot when he's grinning!!
I've never seen him grin!! Hmpf maybe it's a good thing that he grins so less...else whores like that waitress might fall for him even more!!

Maybe my shock was seen on my face because Arush sir said "Don't look so shocked Sahana... I do know human emotions and I do smile" whilst rubbing the nape of his neck.

What's better or worse whatever.... Is the fact that Arush sir was actually grinning when he said that!!

And bee tee dub....he looked so cute whilst rubbing the nape of his neck!!

"Alright then....I guess I'll be seeing you soon. And nice meeting you again Arush" Bhai said, making both me and Arush sir jump.

"Nice meeting you too Reyansh...and hope to see you soon" Arush sir said, smiling at Bhai.

"See you at office tomorrow Sahana" Raj said, beaming at me.

"Yes, see you tomorrow Miss... I mean...see you tomorrow Sahana" Arush sir said, looking at me and rubbing the nape of his neck.

Blood rushed to my cheeks and I didn't trust my voice so I just smiled a little at sir and nodded head at him.

A beaming Raj and a slightly blushing Arush sir drove off in sir's car, while I got onto Bhai's bike, thinking of the events of the evening.

To be continued...

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