***Sahana's P. O. V***
With my heart fluttering in my belly, and my cheeks burning, I peeked into Arush's cabin - it was empty!
Heaving a sigh of relief, I made my way in, thanking all the Gods in the heaven above that the dinosaur was out of his den!
But no sooner had I reached the desk, than I heard the clicking of the cabin door's lock, and knew that the dinosaur was back in his den - with his prey aka me!
Gulping in fear and excitement, I slowly turned around, only to have all the wind knocked out of my lungs.
Leaning against the wall right next to the closed door, with his arms crossed across his chest, and his intense passionate gaze fixed on me, Arush smiled warmly at me when my eyes met his.
He looked so freaking sexy standing like that and gazing at me like that - my heart was beating a thousand times faster than usual, and my whole body started tingling for his touch.
"I....came back... For... My... Laptop" I stuttered, for reasons unknown, with my eyes stuck on his broad chest and his strong arms that usually wrap themselves around me, in a protective hug.
"And I came back for my girlfriend" he said, smiling at me, for which my cheeks started burning.
"We...should...get...going" I stuttered again, finally breaking my gaze away from this sex God and picking up my laptop.
I was expecting him to come to me and wrap his arms around me before pulling me into a demanding kiss - but I felt a wave of disappointment wash over me as I heard the door open, and turning around, I saw him leaving... Without even kissing me or hugging me!!
Pouting to myself, I picked my laptop and phone and dashed to the meeting room, only to find it almost full. Yeah sure I knew it was inter-team meeting and did expect a lot of people, but the problem was that I had to talk in front of all these people. Add to it that I was to sit next to Arush... You might as well laugh at me right now!
I felt the familiar anxiety gush through me and nervously, made my way to the vacant chair next to Arush, who was in deep conversation with Raj right on the other side of him.
Though deep in conversation, yet Arush's intense gaze followed me from the door till I sat down at the chair beside him, and I almost thought he took a deep breath when I sat down!
But I blushed not because of Arush... But because of Raj!! Raj - my dear boyfriend's dearest friend - though feigning innocence, kept smirking at me, and pursing his lips as though controlling his laughter, and given that Arush's hand almost grazed mine, the color of my cheeks only turned into deeper shades of red and pink!
The bitch aka Dia Sinha too was there, seated right opposite of Arush and looking at him so intently that it made my blood boil - oh bitch go fuck yourself!!
I clenched my jaw tightly at how her eyes gazed at every inch of Arush's face and his upper body as though he were her own! But I couldn't help the smirk at the thought that Arush never gave a squat to her, and the smirk on Raj's face was for me because his best friend was in love with me... not that bitch Dia Sinha!
There was a general murmur inside the room as everyone continued chatting away, and amongst them were Raj and Arush too, who were deep in conversation about the current and upcoming projects.
I sat there silently, biting my lip anxiously, and going-through the presentation I had prepared for the meeting whilst taking deep calming breaths.
I kept stealing sideway glances at Arush, whilst reading my presentation. All of a sudden, I saw him shifting on his chair before he moved the chair forward, his arm brushing mine under the table.

Melting Hearts
Roman d'amourIf you're looking for a typical hot and handsome hero, then go ahead, read the story. But, if you're expecting a typical romance story - to bad, this ain't one! Our Sahana is as her name suggests - shy, sweet and innocent. And not so surprising is t...