***Sahana's P.O.V***
"I know the guy... he's been like this all his life... he fears losing the people he loves and well.... though he's an arrogant dick, he is possessive and cares a lot for the people close to him.... he doesn't mean what he's said... he's been feeling low from the past couple of days, seeing how the love of his life.... his girlfriend... is about to move out of his cabin and he's going to get less time to spend with her" Raj said in a serious tone, making me choke.
"Hey are you alright?!" Raj asked in concern as I continued to choke and cough.
"Yea....yeah yeah.... no.... who..... girlfriend... what?!?" I blabbered as blood rose to my cheeks - how the fuck could he know?!
"Oh c'mon really Sahana?! You're gonna tell me that you and Arush are just friends?! Oh no wait hang on... not friends... just a manager and his employee?! That nothing's going on between you two?! That the way he gawks at you, or you at him - is nothing?! That the hickey on his neck is just a bruise he got randomly....And your swollen lips is because you have been biting your own lips while exercising?! That his swollen lips means he's biting them?! That fucker had given such a lame excuse.... I swear it had taken literally my everything to not guffaw with laughter that day" Raj chuckled at the memory of the day when Raj and Arush had come home for the first time - the day Arush and I had had our first ever kiss.
"Ahem ahem... lost in some very good memories are we?!" Raj asked in a teasing tone, and biting my lip in embarrassment, I looked up to find him smirking at me - my blushing cheeks always betray me!!
"I've known Arush literally for my whole life... I've told you... I know my best friend... and now I know you.... asshole, arrogant, bloody fucker, egoistic bastard... - he's everything.... but he's a good human too and you're lucky that you have him in your life... You're lucky that the asshole who's never ever even looked up at another girl is now smitten by you, and that you have him wrapped up around your pinky... he's a good guy and he'll keep you happy... he won't ever hurt you... he's a possessive dick I agree, but he loves you so damn much... please don't ever hurt him" Raj said seriously, looking intently into my eyes.
The words he said about Arush - of how much Arush loves me and how much he is actually smitten by me - touched me deep and my eyes welled with tears of happiness.
"I am your good friend and another brother to you, but Arush is my best mate and he always comes first for me... so don't ever hurt him.... I know he won't ever hurt you, but if he becomes a real pain in the ass.... just use some lube" Raj said, winking.
Though I blushed scarlet at his words, I couldn't help giggle too - Raj truly is a very good friend of Arush, like Arush is to him.
"No but on a serious note... if that asshole ever becomes a real pain in the ass, I'll sort him out.... I know that I'm not as physically strong as your boyfriend or your brother, but I can be very charming, and your boyfriend is very fun to irritate" Raj said, grinning, to which I agreed, chuckling.
"And if you two kids get down to business, don't forget protection" Raj said winking, as he got up from his seat.
"And also, I call dibs on godfather" he said before dashing off, leaving me giggling and blushing.
The thought of Arush and me finally doing it.... Getting married... Starting a family... Although it's all too overwhelming, I couldn't help but blush.
And my breath hitched in my throat as I remembered how Arush wouldn't even leave me from his arms every morning the time he'd spent at my home, and how he'd do the same even after we got married.
I know he can't get enough of me, like I can't get enough of him.... But why is it that he's more passionate than I am?
Making my way back to my dragon's dungeon, my cheeks started burning as I realized that Arush would never even let me out of his arms for even a second, once we got married. He'd kiss me and touch me for every second we got to be alone!

Melting Hearts
Roman d'amourIf you're looking for a typical hot and handsome hero, then go ahead, read the story. But, if you're expecting a typical romance story - to bad, this ain't one! Our Sahana is as her name suggests - shy, sweet and innocent. And not so surprising is t...