Part 18 - Conflict

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***Sahana's P.O.V***

"Enjoy peeps" Raj said as soon as the waitress left. 

Still wondering what the fuck had happened to me earlier while the song came on, I took my brownie nutella shake and sipped on it - ah the heavenly feeling of nutella!

And to top it, Adam Levine came on in the background with one of my recent favorites - 

'Spent 24 hours
I need more hours with you
You spent the weekend
Getting even, ooh ooh
We spent the late nights
Making things right, between us
But now it's all good baby
Roll that Backwood baby
And play me close
'Cause girls like you
Run around with guys like me
'Til sundown, when I come through
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah
Girls like you
Love fun, yeah me too
What I want when I come through
I need a girl like you, yeah yeah'

It was like my body had a mind of it's own as my feet tapped in rhythm to the beats of the song, and a smile automatically made it's way to my lips hearing Adam Levine.

"I see you like Adam Levine" Raj said, taking a sip of his own drink.

"She loves Adam Levine" bhai added, winking at me. 

"He has an amazing voice and Maroon 5 is one of my all time favorite bands!! But this song tho'!" I said, sighing dreamily.

"Oh my God! Mine too!! I love their song Maps" Raj said excitedly.

"Oh God now both of you are going to start discussing Maroon 5 aren't you?" bhai said in a horror-stricken voice, which I think was unnecessary!

I glared at bhai, but soon frowned hearing a chuckle from somewhere to my left. I turned to find a rare sight, which turned out to be a treat to my eyes - Arush sir chuckling!

My mouth hung open as I saw Arush sir chuckling - damn the man can look good when he's not acting like a grumpy baby!

"Arush here isn't much of a music fan" Raj said, making me look away from Arush sir as I realized that for the second time today I was ogling Arush sir!

"I am too a fan of good music! Just that I need the lyrics to be good to actually enjoy the song. Anybody can put in good music, but meaningful lyrics....they're the actual soul to any song!" Arush sir said, sipping on his drink.

Instinctively, I looked at bhai who was looking at Arush sir with a praising look - yeah bhai too believes that lyrics have to be really good and meaningful for a good  song! These two look like they're just two peas in the same pod, my brother and my boss!

"See Sonu, I'm not the only weirdo" bhai said, smirking at me while I glared at him.

"Lyrics are important, I agree, but at times all you want is a good beat! When you're really happy or something, you don't want to listen to the lyrics! You want a good beat to lift your spirits! Okay maybe when you're sad or something you might want a really good meaningful song to help you out or something, but in all honesty, a song with a really good beat and music can do a much better job! At least it's not gonna make you cry" I said loftily, looking at bhai.

"So you're saying that lyrics don't matter at all?! Then why don't you just plug in plain karaoke or instrumentals and listen? Why even bother with ones with lyrics at all?" Arush sir asked me, making me turn to glare at him.

"Fine so go ahead and listen to Stairway to Heaven  or How to save a life or Imagine ! Don't every listen to the songs that you deem to be crappy" I replied back angrily.

"You know Arush actually has a big list of the so called meaningless songs....songs he loves because of their music alone and not because of lyrics" Raj piped in, making Arush sir glare at him.

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