Part 38 - Kiss - part 7

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A/n - I was just many of you think that Arush's action was justified?! How many of you feel that what he did was right?! Just curious that's all! :P

***Arush's P. O. V***

Seething with rage, I stormed out of Sahana's house, not turning back at her cries.

Gritting my teeth and taking fast shallow breaths, I sped-up to the cafe where I'd parked my bike earlier and slamming my helmet back onto my head, rode on.

My body was shaking with rage and my mind was still going back to the moment when Sahana said she chose Riya over me.

I screeched my bike to a halt just in time before it hit the road-side dumpster.  Bringing the engine back to life, I again started driving at high speed, without a destination in mind.

A couple of minutes later, I had to again press hard on the brakes because this time I had almost collided into a car!

All the pedestrians and a few passing-by drivers including the driver of the car I'd almost collided with now started shouting something but nothing fell into my ears which were still ringing with Sahana's words that she chose her friend over me.

Taking deep measured breaths, I started driving rather slowly this time, finally deciding to head directly home.

I had just parked my bike inside the gate and was at the doorstep, sweat running down my body, when I realized that there was nobody at home. 

Fuck fuck fuck!! I had told mom I'd be late.... I would still have been at Sahana's had it not been for....

Thinking about what Sahana had done made my blood boil again and I gritted my teeth. I pulled out my phone from my pocket to call mom, only to see 15 missed calls from Sahana, over 25 messages from her, and one message from mom.

Completely ignoring Sahana's missed calls and messages, I opened that message from mom to see that she and dad would be late, and the door key was actually hidden under the door mat.

I quickly bent down and retrieved the key from below the doormat and opening the main door, walked in and closed the door behind me, without even bothering to lock it - what else is left in life anyway?!

I slammed the helmet at it's place and throwing away my sneakers I dashed upto my room, seething with rage.

She chose her friend over me... I'd been looking forward to spending time with her but she chose her friend!!

A sort of intense rage burned within me and my heart felt heavy... I wanted to do something....tear my heart out from my body perhaps... 

Removing my shirt and pants and wearing my workout-clothes, I dashed to my gym, fixed up the punching bag and started punching it, without wearing my boxing gloves.

'She chose her friend over me... I'd been looking forward to spending time with her but she chose her friend'  played in my mind like a mantra with each punch I threw at the punching bag, but now, tears had started clouding my vision.

Wiping my tears away, I searched for my airpods in the cabinet and put them into my ears, put my phone on flight mode and started playing my favorite music in high volume.

The music only seemed to bounce back from my ears because I still could hear her saying she chose to go with Riya tomorrow, instead of spending time with me.

I screamed loudly before landing another punch on the punching bag, and another and another and I continued to punch the bag until the last of my restraint gave away and I fell down to the floor, panting heavily. My eyes closed of their own accord and I just laid down there, without any strength to even open my eyes.


I felt a warm something on my face and suddenly, the song stopped playing in my ear.

"...Arush...Arush... Can you hear me?! Arush?!!?" I heard a very familiar voice, but it felt like a dream.

I couldn't even open my eyes and my whole body felt numb, but all my senses seemed to come back to life at her familiar touch, her soft hair tickling my face and the scent of her just engulfing my mind.

My eyes shot open of their own accord to find Sahana's traumatized face just inches away from mine, her long cascade of silky soft hair brushing my face, her soft warm hands patting my cheeks lightly.

"Arush?! Are you okay?!" I heard her music-like voice, tears brimming in her eyes.

Unable to comprehend anything or even form words, I just nodded my head in a 'yes'. A beautiful smile broke on her face before she swooped-down on me, kissing every inch of my sweaty face.

"I'm....sweaty...salt...lips" I said through a cracked voice, as she kissed all over my face, pecked my lips, and then my face again, not once feeling disgusted by my sweaty face or my sweaty body.

"I was worried Arush!! I thought something.....oh thank God you're alright!!" she squealed in happiness before kissing all over my face again and hugging me tightly as I laid still on the ground, still unable to comprehend much. It felt like a dream!

"Do you want something?! Water?! Food?! Why are you here anyway?! I searched all over the house and then finally found you here" she said, wiping the sweat from my face with her palms.

"I...water" I said, just realizing how dry my throat and mouth felt.

"Right" she said and walked away. I craned my neck from my place on the ground to see her fetching the water bottle from the cupboard in the gym and running back to me.

Helping me into a sitting position, Sahana eased the mouth of the bottle to my mouth, pouring water aka the gift of life down my throat.

I gulped down the water in a single breath, not once taking my eyes off her face. I feared blinking my eyes too, what if she'd just vanish into thin air if I blinked my eyes?!

"Are you okay?! Shall I get you something to eat?" she asked, still looking a little worried as she took the now empty bottle of water and placed it aside.

"I...yes...a little...hungry" I said, still trying to comprehend whether this was a dream or a reality!

"I'll make you something then... but you need a bath first Arush" she said, indicating my sweaty shirt and shorts.

I didn't say anything but slowly got to my feet with Sahana's help, who looked relieved after I stood up.

"What would you like to have? I'll whip something up quickly.... or shall I order something online?" she asked, craning her neck to look at my face.

"Anything" I said, shrugging. Was she really here?! Was it all not just my dream?! Or my hope?!

"Okay then... I'll make some tea and sandwiches?! Is there bread??" she asked as she began to move away from me.

I held her wrist and pulled her to me..... was she here really or was it a dream!? It felt too real to be a dream but then... how did she come here?! My address?!

"Arush?! Please freshen up and eat something then you can show all the anger you want on me!! But please first just freshen up!! You look very weak Arush" she said, looking and sounding very concerned.

My skin burned under her touch as she cupped my face and I found myself getting lost at her touch. My breathing became shallow and I just leaned into her touch, finally closing my eyes.

I opened my eyes all of a sudden, and without thinking, started kissing all of her face, smiling against her skin as I felt chuckle whenever my beard tickled her skin.

"Arush.... please let's just get this over with before we get interrupted..... go and have a bath" she said softly and I obeyed her words without thinking. 

Kissing her forehead, I turned to my room, thinking about whatever had transpired between her and me in these last few minutes.

Was it a dream!? Or reality?! It felt too good to be real actually!!

To be continued...

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