***Arush's P.O.V***
I snuggled closer to Sahana, unable to stop the smile curling my lips as I hugged her tighter. She felt warm and soft like a teddy - my own teddy bear.... I tightened my grip around her and felt her getting softer - how could she be so soft like a stuffed doll?! She has bones...
Shooting my eyes wide in horror, I looked down to find a pillow in my arms - no wonder it felt so soft!! But where was Sahana my angel?! My teddy bear?!
I'd just pulled Sahana to bed with me last night and to my surprise, she'd got into the bed and under the warm blanket without a protest. The moment I'd switched off the lights and slid next to her on the bed and held her in my arms, Sahana had fallen asleep - looked like she hadn't slept in a long while!!
I'd gone to sleep feeling her between my arms and feeling extremely lucky to have that woman with me!! I'd blushed at the thought that I could spend my whole life with her in my arms, and could hardly wait to get married to her and get her here where she actually belonged - in my arms!!
I got up from the bed in shock, wondering where she'd gotten to - was she in the bathroom?! Or was the whole of last night just a dream?!
***Sahana's P.O.V***
I snuggled closer to Arush as he held me tightly in his arms, making me feel as though I'm his teddy bear! I couldn't help smiling as I opened my eyes to the sight which made me forget to breath and even make my heart skip a beat - Arush looked ever so peaceful, snuggling into me, or rather, making me snuggle closer to him.
It was just the break of dawn and the cool breeze fluttering in through his open balcony welcomed the twittering of the early-morning birds, along with a calmness that the fresh dawn held.
I smiled in content, looking into his calm face, itching to touch his cheeks, or maybe peck his lips. But I couldn't do it - kissing him or even touching him would be like poking a hungry dragon in it's snout!! And for the work I had to do now, I couldn't touch him or wake him up!!
Sighing sadly, I put my hand on the night stand and searched for a phone, finally finding mine own and looked at it. It was around 6 in the morning, and the sky had just begun to light. If I could just get off my dragon's diamond-tight grip on me {diamond is the strongest and toughest substance... and it is pure too.... so... diamond-tight grip instead of steel-grip or iron-tight grip} , I'd be able to go back home without having to face any embarrassment, specially the one of meeting his parents!
Taking a deep breath, I slowly started to pry myself out of his grip, but my dragon just tightened his grip around me and snuggled closer to me with his face at the crook of my neck. I started feeling all sorts of things as his warm breath fanned my neck - things I'd felt only once before when he'd given me the hickey!
Biting my lip, I tried again, and finally, succeeded in getting out of his grip. My poor baby...Arush.. his face was all scrunched up and I knew he'd open his eyes any minute now!! Fearing the angry dragon, I quickly put a pillow in between his arms, and pushed it towards him.
And it worked because Arush's face split into a contended smile as he snuggled into the pillow, his breath turning deep and slow as he fell back asleep.
Sighing in relief, I looked around his orderly room and found what I was looking for - a pen and a notepad.
Again, the thought that had been running in my mind since like 10 days popped into my head - what if I was Arush's wife already?! I wouldn't have to leave him here and go!! Such a crisp beautiful morning... I couldn't help but blush at the thought of how Arush would have been still snuggling into me and not even let me get up - not that I'd want to!! Who'd wanna give up their warm teddy bear?!! Oops sorry... he's my dragon RAWR!!
Leaving a note saying I've gone back home and that he could visit me there, I passed Arush one last look before turning to his balcony to get out of the house ASAP.
It was as easy as getting into his house - to walk down the ladder and out of his house and hopping onto my skooty. But the difficult part was leaving him there and walking away from him without even giving him a kiss.... but not to worry he'll come home later!
Only after I'd brought the engine back to life did I realize that my bladder was upto breaking point and I desperately had to pee!!
Every second felt like a million years as I drove on towards my home, the liquid in my bladder pressing harder and harder against me, willing me to just pee!!
How lucky are men to just be able to fucking go 'n pee in public without fucking even having to bother about just anything dude?! UGH I hate being a girl!!
Cursing my fate, I finally reached home and opening the main door with all the urgency in the world, I closed it shut before literally running up the stairs and into my room and finally the bathroom.
You know what?! Peeing is one of the most underrated feelings in the world!! I'm sorry, call me crazy or that I'm fucked up, but have you ever had this insane urgency to pee but couldn't because you're out and there's no toilet around?! And then when you finally rush into a toilet to relieve yourself - that's heaven people!! THAT FEELING IS HEAVEN!
Finishing my morning chores and after a long warm bath, I went downstairs to prepare breakfast, wondering if Arush was up and if I could call or message him. It was just 7:30 in the morning and there was no phone or message from Arush, so probably he wasn't up yet?!
My parents had called asking how I was, but bhai's phone was out of reach, maybe he had switched it off because he'd said he had an early start for today!
I had almost reached the kitchen when the doorbell rang. Wondering who it'd be at this time, I reached the door and pulled it wide open. The sight in front of me made my heart skip a couple of it's beats, and my breath hitch in my throat.
Arush was standing in front of me, wearing that teal t-shirt, his silky tresses without hair gel and flowing freely in the morning breeze. But I shuddered and took a step back seeing the vein throbbing in his temple, and his sexy jaw set tightly as he entered wordlessly into the house, grinding his teeth.
Almost shivering at the thought of how Arush would be mad at me and even shout and throw a tantrum for leaving him and coming home, I shut the main door close and turned to see him place his helmet on the stand behind him and a bag on the floor.
That's the only thing I grasped before he tugged my arm and winding his arms around me and holding me in a tight grip, he smashed his lips on mine, sending my senses into a whirl of confusion, with a combined fragrance of his musky cologne, what I'm assuming is his shampoo, and the taste of mint from his mouth and of course, his lips on mine.
After a very demanding kiss which left my lips swollen and itching for more of his lips on mine, my whole body filled with a jumble up of all sorts of lovey-dovey feelings, Arush let go off of my lips, his hands still tightly holding me by my waist.
"Sorry" I mumbled, feeling shy all of a sudden.
"You should be... I was hoping to wake up to you in my arms, seeing your face the first thing in the morning... but all I got to see was my pillow" Arush growled before bending his head low to tug at my lip with his teeth.
"So... as a reward for myself, I'll be spending 4 days here with you" he added, smirking, making me choke on my own saliva.
"F...f.....four....days?!" I stuttered, my eyes going wide with realization as I shot my gaze to the bag he'd brought along with him. Don't tell me he's actually gonna spend four days here with me and the bag actually has his clothes!!
"Yeah sweetheart!! Why should girls have all the fun? We'll have our own fun tonight, and tomorrow night, and maybe day after tomorrow too!! I am sure to have my fun baby, so will you, won't you?!" he asked, smirking and winking suggestively at me.
Uh-oh!! THIS was poking the hungry dragon... fuck where have I landed myself into?!
Don't tell me he's dead serious about the fun part of the sentence!! Oh holy fuck!!
To be continued...

Melting Hearts
RomanceIf you're looking for a typical hot and handsome hero, then go ahead, read the story. But, if you're expecting a typical romance story - to bad, this ain't one! Our Sahana is as her name suggests - shy, sweet and innocent. And not so surprising is t...