Part 56 - Romance part 1

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***Sahana's P. O. V***

With my eyes almost popping out of my skull, I blinked at Arush, surely he wasn't indicating having sex?!

"My my.. someone's surely naughty!! I meant we'll have fun... the two of us... we'll watch some nice movies, have a nice 4 days of alone time, have some good food, talk a lot... I never once said the words that you're thinking about" Arush breathed, looking all innocent but smirking at me.

"Hey but if that's what you want, I'm not gonna stop you... I've been having a lot of dreams about you" he said huskily but very serious at the end as he moved forward and bit my ear.

An involuntary moan escaped my lips at that and my breathing turned sharp and shallow as he bit my ear again before kissing my neck right below the ear, sending a ripple of something... something new down my spine. I'd never felt anything like this before and whatever it was, it was egging me to do crazy stuff that Arush's Mia Khalifa does and frankly I couldn't do it... Or could I?!

As Arush continued peppering open mouthed kisses along the length of my neck, soft moans escaped my mouth and involuntary it seams but my hands circled themselves around his neck, with my fingers grasping his silky mane and pulling him closer.

I felt him moving forward as he kissed the length of my jaw before his lips found mine. Moaning, I sucked on his lower lip and nibbled on it before he took control of the kiss.

Finally sucking on my upper lip, he let go, his sharp shallow breaths fanning my face. I opened my eyes to find him looking intently at me, that gaze making me blush so much that I hid my face in his chest, sniffing his woody cologne.

"I won't ever do something or even force you to do something that you're not uncomfortable with, okay?" He said reassuringly, hugging me and kissing the top of my head.

"I know" I said, still hiding my face in his chest and feeling more safer than ever.

Like yesterday, the sweet romantic moment was broken by a loud rumbling that issued from my stomach, and chuckling, Arush let go off of me.

"Mom has sent you parathas, achar and a little bit of kheer she'd prepared yesterday... The kheer is only for you it seams and well, there's around 20 parathas in there" Arush said, indicating the bag he'd brought.

My eyes went wide in embarrassment that he'd told his mom about him meeting me, and maybe he guessed what was going on in my mind because he smiled as he said "yes I told Mom I'll be meeting you before I went to Pune for a work related conference"

I couldn't help but feel hollow and sad as he said that because I was hoping to spend these four days in his company and he's going to leave me here alone?!

"So shall we have breakfast?! I'm starving" he said, picking up the bag and holding out his free hand for me.

"oh yeah sure..." I said, trying to hid the fact that I'm sad that he's leaving me and going to Pune.

"What happened? Why are you sad?" He asked, looking into my eyes.

"Nothing.. nothing... You hadn't mentioned about going to Pune earlier" I said, unable to stop myself.

But to my amazement, Arush chuckled as he said "Oh my baby boo that was a lie I'd told Mom... You really think I'd let go off of such a perfect opportunity to spend time with you? I couldn't tell my parents that I'll be alone here with you for the next few days, and I needed a reason to spend 4 days with you, so I lied about Pune"

Yeah well I had been reluctant at first at the idea of Arush spending 4 days with me, but well, honestly speaking, I really did want to spend time with him, and here are home and knowing that he's going to respect my feelings and decisions just made me forget all the unnecessary thoughts and feel happy and elated that I do get to spend four whole days with my man.

"That's ok with you right?" He asked softly, still looking intently at me.

For some reason, blood rushed to my cheeks and I biting my lower lip, I looked away from his captivating gaze.

"You make me want to kiss you when you do that" I heard him say in that same soft voice and shyly I looked up to see him smiling warmly at me.


Now don't ask me why but fuck I felt like this was my first night or something.... Okay it's not I know but still I don't know why I was blushing so much or feeling so shy or feeling so damn nervous!

The whole day I felt like there was this...this something squiggly in my stomach, like a butterfly or something that was dying to get out.

Arush hadn't done anything to make me feel like this, except perhaps stare intently all day! We'd hardly spoken much, but had a Harry Potter movie marathon whilst snuggling together, ate the food his mom had sent over, and just spent the day in each other's company.

But still, still I had been feeling very nervous and shy all day, even though Arush hadn't kissed me once after our morning kiss!

Arush had helped me clean the kitchen and dining table after dinner and had gone upstairs to take a call from his mom.

My cheeks were still emitting heat like as though I'd done something exceptionally naughty or something, and as the time for bed grew nearer, the feeling of nervousness and excitement only increased.

Feeling exceptionally nervous, I slowly made my way to my room, and opened the room door to have my breath get hitched in my throat.

To be continued...

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