Part 102 - A new beginning

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***Arush's P. O. V***

My eyes opened of their own accord and I groaned - the sky was still dark outside. My alarm couldn't have had gone off. Then why did I wake up?

And most of all, why does my heart feel heavy? And then the events of last night dawned upon me - Sahana saying that our act of intimacy is something she's ashamed of, and how I'd stormed out of there, and back to my room.

Tears stung my eyes as the events of last night flashed in my mind again - how could she be ashamed of our intimacy! How can we start our married life with this thought sticking in my head?!

And then, I felt something press against my bladder, and realized that my filled bladder was the reason why I'd woken up all of a sudden.

I turned to get up from the bed, and that's when my eyes fell on the sleeping form of the girl beside me, with her arm wrapped around my waist, and her leg hooked to my hip, pressing down on my bladder.

Snoring softly, she slept on, the wisps of her hair fluttering under the running fan. I couldn't help but smile as I finally got used to the darkness and could make out her face - Sahana of course!!

But I frowned as I racked my brain - when had she come and slept beside me?! The last thing I remember was stewing in anger and falling asleep alone on my bed. Wait.. I was in my own room, right?!

I looked around, at the room - the neatly arranged study table with motivational posters, and the black faux-leather sofa ... this was surely my room. But when and how did Sahana end up in my room?!

My heart leapt to my mouth in fear - had she come to my room at the middle of the night... alone?! What if something were to have happened to her?! 

She's so irresponsible!! So immature... so...

My internal rambling stopped as she snuggled closer to me in her sleep, making me smile. She is mine... irresponsible, immature, whatever she may be, she's mine... and in 2 more days she will be my wife!!

Sahana moved her leg up and the pressure on my bladder increased, so reluctantly, I had to remove her leg off of me as slowly as possible, trying not to wake her up, before removing her arm too off of me, and making my way to the toilet.

Five minutes later as I returned back to my bed, I found Sahana as I'd left her, and smiling, I slid into the bed next to her and put my arm around her.

My smile only broadened as she too put her arm around my waist, and scooting closer to her, I planted a kiss on top of her head before closing my eyes and instantly falling asleep.

It only felt like ten minutes later when my buzzing phone woke me up - the alarm had gone off, and I switched it off before turning to find Sahana looking up at me with sleep still in her eyes and confusion etched on her face.

"Shush... go back to sleep" I murmured, kissing the top of her head.

"What time is it?" she stifled her yawn and blinked her eyes, trying to ward off her sleep.

"5.45... you go back to sleep" I kissed her eyelids one at a time.

"5.45?! Shit!! I had to leave by 5.30 in the morning Arush!!" she sprang up from the bed, looking panic stricken.

"Hein?!" I blinked my eyes in confusion, frowning at her.

"Your mom told that your grandparents would be up by 6 in the morning!! And even my grandparents would wake up early... I have to reach home Arush!! Today is Ahana and bhai's wedding! We have to make things ready!!" she said hurriedly, taking her coat from my chair.

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