Part 8 - The Enigma

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A/n - thank you so much @luciharp for this awesome cover!

Call me crazy but I think I'd like to dedicate this chapter to myself - for completing the first week at my new job successfully {more like surviving through it successfully} and not turning my colleagues insane! {also for all the extra time I DIDN'T do last week but had to do today!}

P.S - my new work life may OR may-not have had influenced a few OR most of the incidents taking place below!

***Sahana's P.O.V***

"What's up with you? You've been avoiding me from morning. If you think that I'm gonna do the neener-neener rubbing it in your nose thingy then you're wrong! I'm your friend and I want to comfort you, not rub it in your nose because you're late, which you were! Freaking late to your first day at your new workplace woman!! But see... I ain't rubbing it in your nose at all!" I said sitting next to a lost-looking Riya at the cafeteria for lunch, waiting for Kinjal to join us with her friends.

"What?" Riya asked, as though she was in a trance for so long and had completely blocked out whatever I'd been blabbering about Arush and his asshole-ness for the past half an hour!

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"What?" Riya asked, as though she was in a trance for so long and had completely blocked out whatever I'd been blabbering about Arush and his asshole-ness for the past half an hour!

"Okay what did he say? You know that I've seen enough Jackie-Chan and Bruce Lee's films to know how to kick that asshole in the nuts!! Maybe even chop 'em off and feed it to the stray dogs at the park near my home?!!" I said smugly, looking at Riya, hoping to see her at least role her eyes like she usually does whenever she hears such far-fetched ideas from me.

"Who? What are you talking about?" Riya asked, her face mirroring the confusion in her voice.

"No you tell me what happened? You've been completely ignoring and avoiding me from morning!! You even freaking came late even after I sent you like a thousand text messages yesterday night asking you to leave home early!! You were alone with that excuse of a human being for a long time in his cabin, and then you ignore me! Now, you're acting all lost! What happened? Something going on between you and Kabir? Is it because he spent the last two days with his clingy friend instead of being with you? Did he ditch you again?" I bombarded Riya with questions, while her facial expression changed from calm to nervousness to shock.

"Who told you about his friend?" Riya asked, a look of total terror on her face.

"You did. Remember? You both were to have a romantic weekend together and then suddenly you showed up at my place on Saturday and disturbed my study session because Kabir ditched you to be with his clingy friend who was upset over something you deemed was smaller than an amoeba?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

Normally Riya is this brave I'll-cut-you-in-half-so-don't-get-cocky-with-me kinda girl, but she actually looks like me right now! {looks like me in the sense, looks like me when she talks about cutting off Kabir's friend's balls because the guy hogs all of Kabir's free time, or when she checks-out some guy and I look at her with the you-already-have-a-boyfriend expression on my face, or her face when I'm talking about digital communication! Okay maybe I am a full on nerd!}

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