Part 98 - Back to Reality

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***Sahana's P. O. V***

"Fort!" I pouted.

"Valley!" Arush grunted.

"Fort and that's it!!" I hissed.

"Valley and that's it!!" He hissed.

"A happy wife equals happy life Arush... Remember that!" I grunted.

"Oh yeah?" He smirked, his arms winding themselves around my waist before he pulled me towards him.

"I meant... You have to agree to me" I bit my lip as he ran his lips along the length of my jaw, his beard grazing my skin and tingling along the length.

"I did agree to you and you too agreed to me all day yesterday... And even all night long!" He winked as he reminded me of our intimate act from yesterday.

"I want to visit the fort Arush!" I whined, trying to not blush and not get lost to his touch as he moved his hand inside my shirt, his hand grazing my skin.

"How about we make a quick tour of the fort before we head out to the valley for a nice romantic evening?" Arush suggested, pecking my lips.

"That sounds good!" I grinned.

"Well, since the fort opens at 11 o clock... And it's still 6.30 in the morning...." Arush winked suggestively.

"Yeah we have some time..." I flushed as his hand reached the side of my breast.

"Hmm some time to kill..." His voice was the seductive growl as he kissed my cheek.

"So let's go for a nice treck come on!" I grinned, pushing his hand away from me and getting off the bed.

Arush looked confused as he sat up on the bed and blinked at me, whilst I giggled.

"This is unfair yaar!!" He whined, fisting his hair in frustration.

"All is fair in love and war yaaaaarrrrrr!!" I giggled, before rushing to the bathroom.


"C'mon grandpa!!" I giggled as I stood at the end of the curve, panting hard, and looking down at Arush who was still a long way down from where I was.

We were trecking on the nearby hill and apparently the view from here was majestic - the fog still hid most of the morning sunlight.

Grumbling under his breath and huffing and puffing, Arush slowly walked ahead, sweating heavily.

"Such a romantic place and such a nice hotel room ... But no!!! Hummari biwi ko toh trecking karni hai!!! Romance nahi karni!!" He grumbled, glaring at me as he slowly inched towards me.

"You have a rock hard body! Who would've thought that the guy who looks physically fit can't climb up a tiny hill?" I shook my head in disapproval.

"Never... Judge.... A... Book... By .. it's .. cover!" He huffed, panting hard.

"I'm sure.. . You're dear brother.... Too. . can't. " He trailed off, halting and huffing before gulping down water from his bottle.

He swore and looked around, before groaning at hoe much we still had to walk to make it to the top of the hill.

"Bhai is physically fit... And he can climb up hills like this with such ease.... Did you know that he got Ahana bhabhi also into trekking?" I crossed my arms across my chest as I glared down at my slowly walking fiance.

"Well... Boo hoo for your bhai!" Arush swore, as he finally stood in front of me, still panting hard.

"Wah such a romantic place and look at my hot fiance!" I rolled my eyes at him.

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