Part 36 - Kiss - part 5

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***Sahana's P. O. V***

Oh I didn't like that smirking on Arush's face when he saw Kabir... He's gonna take advantage of the situation!!

Oh now don't get me wrong I also wanted an excuse to be with Arush but this PDA in front of Bhai...

I had run into the mini theater to set-it-up for their movie the moment Arush had dashed out or my room in the morning. I had just entered my room after fixing it up when they reached the first floor landing!!

Every second had dragged itself like a very slow moving lazy tortoise when he was there watching the movie!

But now he was here, with me, his arm around me - this was Bliss to be honest!

"I came down for water... I have a slightly important call to attend... You go ahead... I'll join you guys in a while" Arush said as the three of us reached the foot of the stairs.

"they're in the mini theater....the first door to your right there" I said, indicating the first floor.

Arush still had his arm around my waist and was now smirking more than ever! Oh shit what if Kabir goes and tells Bhai that we're this... Oh fuck man!!

"Hey man just one favour" Arush said, as though reading my mind.

"You kids enjoy.... Don't worry I won't tell Reyansh or Raj about the PDA" Kabir said, grinning and winking at Arush.

"Thanks bro" Arush said, grinning and winking at Kabir but his arm tightly gripping my waist now.

Kabir chuckled as he went up the stairs and Arush straight off pulled me back to the kitchen.

"Arush what..." I had begun speaking but had to stop because he had placed his finger on lips, to shush me.

"Kabir thinks we're dating so we should do at least a little bit of PDA, just so that he doesn't get a doubt you know" Arush said, winking.

"Really? That is the reason? So you're telling me that this had nothing to do with the fact that you wanted to be with me and hold me in your arms?" I asked, raising my eyebrow.

Arush's cheeks turned pink and he gave a sheepish grin as he said "well... Not my fault that you're so irresistable and I'm longing for you"

That was like the sweetest thing I've ever heard and I just hugged him really tight, putting all my feelings into it.... Wordlessly communicating my feelings.

Arush hugged me back even more tightly, in a reassuring sort of a way, making me smile - he surely was not as stern or an asshole as I'd thought him to be!

"I want to be like this forever" he said, kissing the top of my head.

"Both of our legs would hurt Arush if we stood like this forever" I said seriously, to which he chuckled.

"So tell me, have you always been this mushy mushy sort of a person?" I asked, craning my neck to look up at him.

Man the dude's so friggin' tall!!

"These things don't feel so mushy mushy when I'm doing it for you" he said, kissing the tip of my nose.

"You better get back upstairs, before Bhai comes down" I said, trying but failing to move away from his freakishly strong arms.

"But the reward" he said, winking.

"Okay fine" I said, moving forward to kiss his lips but he said "who said the reward was a kiss?"

I blinked at him in confusion and his smirk only grew wider.

"So the reward is that you have to give me at least one kiss to my lips everyday. Wish me a good morning everyday with a nice long kiss on my lips" he said, winking.

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