Part 75 - Red for love

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***Arush's P. O. V***

Half cursing the morning, and half cursing my jija-cum-sala, I pressed the accelerator of my bike to reach office quickly - at least then I'd be able to talk to Sahana!!

There I was today morning, happily cuddling Sahana on her bed, my body warming under her touch, just like how my life had warmed up with her presence in it.

I was dreaming a nice scenario of spending the rest of my life with this woman in my arms, and never having to let go off of her, when her asshole brother rang me on my phone to tell me he was coming home and that I too had to leave.

It was 5 in the morning... I would have stayed a little longer but my dad being the early bird he is, wakes up by 6 in the morning.

That idiot of my Sala plus jija had called me just when he was outside the house, so I had no choice but to dash out, without even kissing Sahana a proper good bye!

Just as easily as I'd gotten out of my house last night, I had come back in, and started off my day... It was all great with memories of Sahana flooding my mind, until I got this dire need rising within me to hear her voice.

Only when I'd upturned half my room did it dawn upon me that perhaps I'd left my phone at Sahana's place this morning.

And so, here I am, accelerating on my bike to reach office ASAP so that I could call her from there.

Finally reaching the office building, I hurriedly parked my bike at it's usual spot before sprinting to the elevators and off to my office.

Pin drop silence greeted me as the elevator pinged halt on our office floor, with only my footsteps echoing around.

Frowning at this eerie silence, I chanced a glance to my watch to see the time - eight thirty!! Eight thirty in the morning and neither the receptionist nor my angel in this office?!

Pursing my lips and running my hand through my hair, I sprinted into the office, making my way towards Sahana's cubicle.

The fragrance of a hundred roses greeted me, along with those same hundred roses all laid around the perimeter of Sahana's cubicle, making me gasp.

Sahana's chair was deserted - meaning she's yet to arrive to office. Oh but what a sight it'd make to have my angel sitting amidst these hundred roses - like a butterfly in a rose garden!!

Sighing, I slowly made my way to my cabin, to await my butterfly in there. Once inside, I hastily dialed Sahana's mobile number, with my heart hammering inside my rib-cage and my ears itching to hear my angel's sweet Melody any moment now.

But my heart sank when it went to voicemail - was she not missing me!? Pouting and sulking, I tried her number again, only for the voicemail to play again.

Grumbling under my breath, I put the receiver down, before pulling out my laptop - well I'll be needing something to distract me!!

But ten minutes later, with my eyes drooping close on their own accord and nothing of the file I was supposed to be reading entering into my mind, I finally closed my laptop shut before crossing my arms on my table and resting my head on it - surely I could rest for 5 minutes?!


Feeling lighter than ever, and fresh air blowing into my face, I scrunched my eyes shut, cuddling myself and dreaming on.

Ah but there have to be a few idiots always to break my sleep right??

Loud talks and giggles filtered into my ears, finally making me shoot my eyes open - my cabin was empty, but through the glass door of my cabin I could see colors fluttering as people moved around, laughing and talking, their words bouncing off my ears.

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