Part 91 - The one

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***Sahana's P. O. V***

My breathing had long gone slow, and my heart too was drumming rather slower than usual, but my mind was going haywire with questions - did Arush like literally propose to me with a ring?! Did he actually sing for me?! Did he pull up all this drama to propose me in such a sweet way?!

I looked up at his deep yet warm eyes as they looked expectantly down at me, my hand still clutched in his. 

I didn't know what to say so I just moved forward and hugged him tightly - putting all my words and emotions in that one hug. Though Arush stood stunned for a second, he soon caught-on as he returned my hug, putting his warm hands around me and holding me tightly, with his chin placed on top of my head.

"So that's a yes then?" he asked after a while, my ears pressed to his chest and listening to his quickened heart-beats.

"You're already my boyfriend!! And now our parents are running around making arrangements for our marriage... " I giggled, breathing in his musky cologne.

"But you haven't said a yes" he said and I moved away from him, with my arms still loosely around his waist.

"You want me to say a yes?!" I asked, cocking my eyebrow and looking incredulously up at him, to which he pouted and nodded his head.

"Dude I literally proposed to you yesterday evening!" I rolled my eyes at him. But Arush huffed and tugged me closer to himself, glaring down at me.

"I am not a dude" he pursed his lips.

"Achcha?! Toh kya dudette bolu?" I giggled, knowing too well that I was literally poking an angry dragon here!

{translation - really?! So what shall I call you.. dudette?!

BTW - dudette is an actual word and something I LOVE to call my female friends hehe }

"I don't care what anyone calls me, but you're to call me as your love... or your dear husband... or any such good endearments, and not dude" he shrugged, nuzzling his nose against mine.

My breath hitched in my throat and my heartbeat quickened as his breath fanned my face, but getting myself together, I managed to give him my best smirk before saying "Dude is a good endearment!"

"Hmm.... but I don't want you to call me as dude! The next time you say that, you sure will be facing the consequences of it!" he said in a hoarse voice, his hand moving along the exposed part of my waist, trailing a hot burning path all along.

I looked up at his intense pitch-black gaze and knew he meant every word he said and gulped - I should keep in mind never to refer to him as dude!!

"So my dear preemika... tell me a yes and then.." he winked suggestively, and on cue, blood rushed to my cheeks.

"Don't call me preemika" I pouted, to which he raised his eyebrow.

"Achcha?! Toh what else should I call you?! Wifey?!" he asked, his eyes moving from my eyes, to my lips and down below my chin, resting on top of my chest.

"I still haven't accepted your proposal" I crossed my arms across my chest.

"I'm the love of your life... of course you're gonna marry me!! This proposal is a namesake we both know" he winked, his hand now moving onto my blouse, my heart hammering even more loudly now.

"Besharam bangaye ho!! In the initial days of our relationship you were so decent!! Pata nahi ab ya hua hai?!" I huffed, pushing his hand away from my blouse.

{translation - you've become very naughty now.... Don't know what's happened to you now?!}

"Pati banne waala hu... toh sab chalta hai" he winked, putting his arms around me once more.

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