Part 15

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***Sahana's P.O.V***

"Hey! This is not flirting...this is...wooing" Raj said, grinning sheepishly and winking at me, while I still continued to look at him in shock.

Raj was seriously asking me out?!

"So tell me Sahana, you wouldn't mind going out for dinner with someone at this very table, right?" Raj prodded again, winking at me.

"Okay this is seriously out of the topic of work and I forbid you to discuss this topic" Arush sir barked, making me almost jump.

"Well asshole, I am not asking this question to you, and also, I am an Indian citizen and our constitution gives me every right to talk whatever the fuck I you can shag off. Do you want some Mia Khalifa porn to shag?? Weren't you the one who told me just a few minutes ago that you find her extremely sexy?" Raj said, looking straight into Arush sir's eyes, a smirk playing on his lips.

Blood rushed to my cheeks faster than the speed of light, and my eyes grew wider than saucers. I put my head down, looking very interested in my plate rather than the two dudes at my table or their conversation about porn - not that I was interested in this conversation anyway!

Could the Earth just open up right now beneath me and just swallow me in?! Is this the conversation that I want to be a part of?! NO!!! Talking about porn, really?! What the fuck is wrong with these two guys?! Okay discussing such stuff between friends is all laughs 'n jokes okay?! But why the fuck do these two have to discuss this in front of me?! It's my boss for God's sake!! And I don't even know anything about this Raj dude!!

I didn't dare look at any of them but continued shoveling food into my mouth and down my throat - to run away from here ASAP!! 

And c'mon Mia Khalifa really?! She looks all...artificial!! Yeah that is the thing to think, and not why my bosses are talking about porn in front of me!

There was pin drop silence and my curiosity got the better of me, so I stopped shoveling food into my mouth like I hadn't eaten for days at end, and looked up to find Raj looking like it's taking every bit of his will power to not break down laughing. I followed his gaze to find him staring at someone who looked like their face was literally painted red - ARUSH SIR!!

I had to literally bite my lip to stop myself from giggling because Arush sir looked extremely comical, with his face fully red, lips pursed, and eyes shooting daggers at Raj.

I looked away before I could started laughing and cleared my throat - the wish to forget everything and just break down laughing was growing strong with every passing second!

"So Sahana, getting back to you, what's your dream guy?" Raj asked all of a sudden, making me whip my head to him - I thought I was out of the question zone now and it was Arush sir's time to get humiliated?!

"'m done with lunch. I should be getting back to my work" I said, getting up from my place.

"Hey not fair! Arush won't ask for any projects today, so please sit down and talk to me" Raj said, smirking.

"You may leave Miss Agarwal.... Raj here has boundary issues and doesn't really know what to talk and when" Arush sir spat through gritted teeth and for some reason, Raj's smirk grew wider.

"Yeah my friend Arush here is right... I really don't know what I might say and when.... what if I end up telling Kabir the truth about....everything?! Who knows?" Raj said in a silky voice, still smirking.

"Okay whom are you blackmailing?" I asked Raj seriously.

"I'm not blackmailing anyone Sahana... I just said that Arush is right... and that I'm still waiting for your answers... for both of my questions" Raj answered, smiling.

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