***Arush's P. O. V***
My brain and ears specially had blocked out everything Sahana had said past Bharath and had instead started making scenarios in my head .
What scenarios you ask?! Well, firstly, my brain feels that Bharath is a beefy tall dude with a perfect face and perfect body who'll easily intimidate me or any guy for that matter.
And secondly, my brain is building up all romantic scenarios with this Bharath holding hands with Sahana, hugging her....kissing her?!
I felt suffocated at the thought of another guy with Sahana and clutched the steering wheel tightly.
I want to know who this rat bastard is!! But how do I ask her?!
Just be casual like 'Hey Sahana...so who's this Bharath dude?!' and sound calm 'n chilled out okay? - my subconscious suggested me.
But you know.... Brains work in a very different way than we people do.... They're the definition of betraying fuckers!!
So instead of helping me out, my brain made my mouth blurt out - "So this Bharath dude.... He's your boyfriend?!"
***Sahana's P. O. V***
Still reveling in whatever had transpired between me and Arush a few moments ago and blushing everytime at the thought that whatever I feel for him - it's mutual - he too feels the same about me, I looked at my phone.
It really was odd how Bharath didn't really inform me about the movie!! Asshole!! I'm gonna have to teach him a lesson!!
Given my introverted nature, I have never had many friends... Bharath is one of those few people whom I consider a friend... And he knows it well too!! More over, he's a muh-bola-bhai too!!
Given how protective my Bhai is about me even during our childhood, Bhai made me tie rakhi to all of his friends, who all gladly accepted me as their dear sister.
I'm not as close to Bhai's other friends as I am with Bharath, only because Bharath is a fellow Potter-head, and we bond over our taste of movies, music and video games.
Still muttering loudly about Bharath and his betrayal, I typed a message for Bhai saying I'm going for a movie and hence I'll be late. I was just forwarding the same message to mom when I heard Arush ask "So this Bharath dude.... he's your boyfriend?"
Blinking in confusion, I turned to look at Arush, whose jaw was set, lips were pursed and his hands..... His hands were clutching onto the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles had gone white!!
"What?" I asked, horrified. Bharath and my boyfriend?! That's gotta be the biggest joke of the Century!! Fucker didn't even invite me to a movie!!! Boyfriend itseams.... Puhlease!!
"Bharath... Is he your boyfriend or a romantic interest or your crush or old crush or someone who crushes on you or are you guys like friends with benefits?!" Arush asked angrily.
"I just mention a guy's name and he becomes my boyfriend?" I asked angrily..... Angry because he's judging my character as a two timing slut because hello I've just had a nice intimate moment with him just a few minutes ago!!
"You go to movies with him... And you're pissed that he didn't invite you to movie today... " Arush said a little calmer than before, but still angry.
"And I can't have guy friends whom I go to movies with? Do they have to be my boyfriend or a romantic interest or someone whom I crush on?" I asked in disbelief.
"No I.... So I and you are going to the movies now... Is that what I am? Just a friend?" Arush blurted out, turning red instantly.
"I... Wait... Are you jealous?? Arush... Oh my are you freaking jealous??" I asked, trying but failing to sound calm because Arush freaking Sharma is jealous!!!!!!!!!

Melting Hearts
Storie d'amoreIf you're looking for a typical hot and handsome hero, then go ahead, read the story. But, if you're expecting a typical romance story - to bad, this ain't one! Our Sahana is as her name suggests - shy, sweet and innocent. And not so surprising is t...