chapter one • "what?"

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August 8th

"Girls, come to the kitchen!"

I put my phone down on my bed and rushed downstairs. I was in the middle of texting Annie and Nadia in our group chat. We were planning to get frozen yogurt.

This sounded like an urgent family meeting. We haven't had a family meeting in a while. The last one happened when Maddie was going to tour with Sia.

When I reached the kitchen, Mom, Greg, and Maddie were already there. They had serious looks on their faces, making me worried. How serious was this?

"Kenzie, take a seat," My mom said, her arms crossed. Was I in trouble? I didn't think I did anything wrong. I thought I was doing everything right!

I took a seat next to Maddie, and she leaned her head on my shoulder. She looked sad. Did someone die?

"Ok, girls. What I'm about to say might make you mad, but promise me you won't lash out on us. Ok?" Mom told us. Maddie and I nodded. I looked over at Greg. He didn't seem to know what was going on, either.

Mom took a deep breath. "Your father called," she said, saying father like it was a bad word. They didn't have the best relationship. I was surprised. We haven't heard from my real dad in forever.

"He misses you guys," Mom continued, bitterness in her tone. "And wants you to visit. Even though I have all custody..." She cleared her throat. "Aside of that, I had declined, but then he threatened to take it to court. We agreed you will stay with him for one month, and attend regular school."

Maddie and I gasped. Away from L.A for one month? Regular school? Leaving all
of our friends?

Mom sighed, noticing how mad we looked. "It'll be good for you," she assured us. "You guys never really had a normal life. And, you can bond with your father. The last thing I want is to keep you away from him. Even though I probably had."

"Your mother's right," Greg chimed in. "You guys never wanted to go to school dances, or join clubs?"

I pondered over the thought. I've been so busy with music and acting, I never really thought about it. Maybe it would be good for Maddie and me.

"I guess. It is only one month," Maddie looked over at me. "We got each other, alright?"

I nodded. "Ok. When do we leave?"

Mom looked down, adjusting her bracelets. "Um. Tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" Maddie and I said at the same time. "Why did you tell us so late?"

"Kurt just called me yesterday!" Mom defended herself. "Look, I'm sorry. Start packing. I'll make it up to you, guys. Sorry."

I got up from my seat, sticking my hands in my pockets. The news I was just given rolled around in my head. Was I really going to Phoenix, Arizona for a month? Was I really attending a public school? For a month?

I tried to think positive. It would only be a month. Thirty days. And there wouldn't be any paparazzi in Phoenix, fortunately. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

I went back to my room and grabbed my phone. I had to break the news to my friends. This would be hard.

. . .


Annie, Nadia, and I were at "Froyo Yolo," a frozen yogurt shop not too far away from my house. I made sure my frozen yogurt had chocolate in it; I love chocolate.

"A whole month?" Nadia asked, baffled. "You're going to miss everything! What about the Brat party?"

"And my song release party?" Annie added.

I shrugged my shoulders. "Sorry, guys," I apologized. "But I have no say. I leave tomorrow, and I still have a few more things to pack."

Nadia sighed, playing with the tips of her hair. "Well, you better video chat everyone. And text us every day."

I nodded. Annie looked heartbroken. "This is crazy," she said, preparing a spoonful of frozen yogurt. "I should talk to this father of yours."

We all laughed. After frozen yogurt, we went back to my place. Annie and Nadia voluntarily helped me pack. While we did that, I texted everyone I was leaving.

Maisy was sad. Carson was mad I didn't invite him. Hayden was bummed out. Basically, all my friends were going to miss me.

When we finished packing, we collapsed onto my bed. "We should throw you a goodbye party!" Annie sat up, a smile on her face.

I sat up, as well as Nadia. "Anns, that's not necessary!" I persuaded her. "It's only a month."

"Well, a month can feel like a year sometimes," Nadia pointed out. "We're doing it. Here. What time is your flight?"

"My mom said at 8. A.M," I clarified.

"Change of plans!" Annie said. "We're doing it tonight. I'm sending a mass message to everyone. Tell your mom to prepare food for at least 20 people. Or just tell her to order In-n-out. Everyone loves that."

I laughed. I loved my best friends to death, and I didn't know how I was going to survive a month without them.


{869 words}

A/N: This story is just getting started! Thanks for reading, and I hope you're enjoying it so far. Stay tuned! I might start doing dedications if you guys are active. :)

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