chapter thirty six • "plan"

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{2 weeks later}

My house was so boring. It was just me, Mom, Greg, and Maddie again. I love them, but I just missed my Phoenix friends. I was FaceTiming Lauren as much as I could, but she was also busy with school. I talked to Jack a little, but I haven't really talked to Brynn and Johnny. Brynn was ignoring me, and I had no idea why. Well, maybe I had an idea.

I was seeing Johnny soon, though. "What If" was being officially released as a single. So, we had to do a bunch of press. Not sure when exactly, but that meant he would be probably be staying at my house...

Anyway, it was a Monday evening. I decided to text the group chat with Emily, Nadia, and Ruby to see if they could sleepover. Ruby was currently in New York, lucky her. Luckily, they were all free.

I hadn't really talked to my friends about the whole Johnny thing. They didn't even know that Johnny and I almost kissed. I had to tell them, and I really needed advice on what to do.

I was laying on my bed when I heard the doorbell ring. I was way too lazy to get up. I heard the door opening and chatter filled the house.

"Kenz, your friends are coming upstairs!" Maddie yelled. I just groaned in response. A minute later, Emily, Nadia, and Annie filed in.

"Hey, Kenz!" Nadia greeted me happily. "How have you been? I know you've been really sad since your friends left."

"I've been really weird," I admitted. "I got so used to them being here."

"Speaking of which, you said you had something tell us?" Annie added. "Something about Johnny?"

I sighed. "Oh, yeah. You might want to sit down for this."

My three friends hopped onto my bed, getting comfortable. Then, I dived into the long story about gaining feelings for Johnny, what happened before our performance, and what happened at the movies.

"I guess it's not that awkward anymore?" I concluded. "I mean, I did tell him he can stay here when he comes for meetings and press. And we did hug at the airport."

"Ok, he definitely likes you," Emily said. "Someone who says 'I really wanted to kiss you' doesn't see you as a friend!"

"Exactly," Nadia concurred. "And the fact he initiated it? Girl..."

"I know," I said. "But he's dating Brynn. My friends and I set them up together! And she basically hates me now. I've tried to call her to see how's she doing but she's ignoring me."

"Wow," Annie added. "Honestly, she seemed kind of shady at that first party you had two weeks ago."

I sighed. This whole thing was stressing me out.

Emily's eyebrows went up. "Wait a minute. So all of this happened, and you never told him that you liked him? Verbally?"

"Well, no..."

"Nads, get Kenzie's laptop," Emily ordered. "We're ordering one ticket to Phoenix, Arizona!" Nadia started to get up, but I stopped her.

"Emi, that's not happening,"I told them. "I'm super busy this week. I have to do a bunch of interviews about how my time in Phoenix was or whatever. Besides, Johnny is coming soon."

All my friends' eyes widened.

"Wait, what?" Annie asked. "You forgot to mention that?"

I laughed. "It's for press for 'What If.' And I think he has meetings because he did just sign to a label."

Emily tapped her chin. "Ok, new plan. When he comes, you are telling him you like him, Kenz!"


"No buts!" She interrupted me. "Now, what you're going to do is..."

. . .


"What you're going to do is not break my cousin's heart."

Jack and I were in my room, doing the homework we received for the day. I didn't even want to think about school. I was a signed artist! I didn't need school. But, my mom was constantly tell me not to let my rising fame get to my head.

Anyway, ever since we returned home, I've been thinking a lot about how I left things with Kenzie. I would be seeing her next week, but things were still awkward. Things were awkward with Brynn, too. She was texting me more than usual. And, when girls passed us at school, she would kiss me or grab my hand to let them know I was taken. It was getting out of hand.

Before I could reply to Jack, Lauren walked in. She was super happy these days. I guess her and Hayden were doing well with their long distance.

"Are we talking about Johnny's love triangle?" She inquired, plopping herself on my not made up bed. "Continue."

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not going to break Brynn's heart. I care about her, a lot. But, I've been doing a lot of thinking recently. Continuing to date her wouldn't be fair to her when I might have feelings for someone else."

Lauren scoffed. "Might have? John, you've liked Kenzie since the days we watched Dance Moms."

"Whatever, Lauren."

I turned to Jack, who turned silent all of a sudden. I knew he saw Brynn as his sister, and he would do anything to protect her.

"Jack, are you good?" I asked him. "You know I would never try to hurt her..."

"I know," he interrupted me. "I guess I was overreacting. You shouldn't continue to date her if you don't like her."

I smiled. "Thanks, dude."

"Besides, guys are already lining up for Brynn," Lauren chuckled. "Hayden said Carson thought she was cute."

"Wait, what?" I said, jealousy getting the better of me.

"Calm down, bro," Lauren replied. "Kenzie's in L.A waiting for you. You're telling her you like her when you go there next week!"

"But, first," I said. "I have to plan how to politely break up with Brynn."


A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! It was kind of a filler chapter, but whatever. I would really appreciate it if you guys commented your thoughts! I've been barely having any comments, lol. This book is almost over 😓 Anyway, vote, comment, and stay tuned!

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