chapter thirty nine • "mine"

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{The next day}

I blinked my eyes multiple times before finally sitting up in my bed. I was super tired, but I had to get up. Johnny and I had press today for "What if." It was his first time ever doing interviews, and I was kind of excited to help him with it.

Yesterday felt like a dream. I still couldn't believe him and I were together. He was mine.

I got out bed and went to the bathroom to freshen up. After, I went downstairs. Maddie, Jack, and Lauren were in the kitchen eating waffles. It felt like their week in L.A all over again.

"Morning, Kenzie!" Lauren said happily. "I'm so glad to be eating breakfast with you guys again."

"Me too," I concurred before putting a waffle on my plate. "Is Johnny up yet? We have to get ready soon."

"Nope, he's still sleeping like a baby," Jack said.

Lauren smirked. "You should go wake him up, Kenz. Since he's your boyfriend." I rolled my eyes.

"I still can't believe you guys are together," Maddie commented. "Not to bring down the mood but...I've been texting with Brynn and she is not happy."

"Maddie!" Lauren scolded her. "Mission accomplished: you ruined the mood."

"It's fine," I assured them. "Brynn has every right to be mad at me. I still feel crappy." I stopped myself before I started feeling bad. "Anyway, I'll be back."

I walked down the hall to the guest room. I forgot to knock and opened the door.

Johnny was laying on his bed, scrolling miles on his phone. He was shirtless and wearing sweatpants.

"Oh, sorry..."

"You're good!" Johnny looked up. "Come in."

I closed the door behind me and sat down on the edge of the bed. "Jack said you were sleeping like a baby."

"Yeah, I heard," he laughed. "I've been awake for a while. I heard your whole conversation."

"I feel crappy about the whole Brynn situation," I admitted. "We were such good friends, or at least I thought we were. I guess it was when you guys came to L.A the first time is when I realized she was acting different. I guess it's my fault for coming in between you two."

Johnny lifted up my chin his finger, making me stare into his eyes. I never really focused on his eyes before. They were a piercing green, staring right through me.

"It's not your fault, Kenz," he told me. "Brynn is probably not going to talk to us for a while now, and there's nothing we can do about it. I like you, and only you."

I just nodded, but I still felt bad.

"I like you, too," I whispered.

Johnny took intertwined his hand with mine. I liked our hands together. They fit perfectly.

"I don't want to do press today," he sighed. "I'm kind of nervous. I've never done professional interviews before."

"You'll do fine," I assured him. "Sometimes the interviewers can be jerks, but the ones I've had recently aren't that bad. They're just going to ask about the song, how we met, and the writing process. Just pretend they're one of your basketball teammates."

Johnny laughed. "Ok, that should be easy enough."

"Speaking of songs, you haven't told me how your meetings went!" I reminded him.

"Oh yeah," he said. "I met with a few songwriters and they went through my songs, which was nerve wracking. And then I had another meeting on when I'll be releasing my first solo single, so I guess in a few months?"

I smiled. I remember not too long ago when I was so determined to make sure Johnny lived out his dream as a singer. All his friends were doubting him like crazy. Now, he was proving them wrong. But, more importantly, he was proving to himself he could do it.

"I'm so proud of you," I said genuinely. "So, are you going to show me the songs?"

"," he laughed. "If it was up to me, I wouldn't have showed my songs to the songwriters at all."

"Oh come on!" I pleaded. "What's the big deal? Unless you've wrote a song about me or something..." I noticed Johnny slowly turning his head away from me. "Wait, you have?"

"No comment," he said.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. One day, we're going to sit down and look through each other's songs. Deal?"

"Fine," he groaned.

I got up from the bed, leaving the warmth of his hand. "Anyway, you need to get ready. We have to leave soon."

"Ok, mom," he said before getting up.

"You've got to stop calling me that!" I teased before leaving his room. I went back to the kitchen. Everyone was giving me a look.

"That took a while," Lauren cooed. "What was going on in there?"

"Nothing!" I said. "We were talking. Johnny was right; you are really invested in people's love lives." Everyone laughed. 

Not too long after that, Johnny came out of his room and we all ate breakfast together. It felt just how it did before. Well, minus one person.

 I remember telling Brynn after she saw me and Johnny hugging in class one day that I would never do that to her. I wouldn't take the guy she was crushing on. And that's exactly what I did. I kept trying to forget about it, but I couldn't help but imagine her at Bridgewater, all alone because her friends are in L.A with me right now. It was the worst feeling.

. . . 

Our press trip wasn't too eventful. First, we went to Entertainment Tonight. We were interviewed by Keltie Knight. She was nice; she basically just asked about how we met, the writing process for 'What if,' and about Johnny's background. Then we had to take pictures for their Instagram. She asked us if we were dating because fans were coining the name "Jenzie." Johnny and I decided to keep our relationship lowkey for now, so we said no comment. 

After, we went to Access Hollywood. We were interviewed by Kit Hoover. She basically asked us the same questions, and we did some fun games. 

Then, it was time to go home for the day. We entered my house to see Maddie, Lauren, and Jack watching All American.

Maddie spotted us and quickly paused the show. "Hey guys!" She said nervously. "How was press?"

I rolled my eyes. "Forget about press! How could you watch All American without us?" Last night we started watching the show, and didn't stop watching until like 2 a.m.

"Sorry, but you guys were taking too long!" Lauren explained. "We left off on a cliffhanger, and I needed to know what happened! And I wanted to see Jordan Baker's fine..."

"Lauren, you have a boyfriend!" I reminded her before laughing. He was hot, though.

"Wow, I see how you guys are," Johnny shook his head. "Jack, how could you do this to me?" 


"Whatever," I said. "Johnny and I will watch it on our own time." A moment later, we all started laughing because of our little fight. 

For the rest of the day, we stayed at my house, watching Netflix and swimming in the pool. I wish this could last forever. 


A/N: This was such a crappy filler chapter, but I had to update. One more chapter left of this book, and then the epilogue! I'm trying to make the epilogue like SUPER long, maybe 3000 or 4000 words so get excited for that! I'm kind of sad to finish this book, but also it's been going on for too long lol.

 I have some jenzie book ideas, so PLEASE comment if you want another book! As for a sequel to this one...I'm not sure but we'll see. Anyway, vote, comment, and stay tuned! 

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