chapter sixteen • "just call me kenzie"

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It was once again time for school, the most dreaded part of the day. My weekend was pretty boring, except for Lauren's little pool party at our house. Jack told me Mackenzie politely turned him down, saying she just wanted to be friends for now. Was it bad that a part of me was glad they didn't go on a date?

Lauren and I were walking to the bus stop when she blatantly asked me, "So, who do you like?"

I stopped in my tracks. Clearly Mackenzie talked to Lauren about our conversation at the party. How could she do that? I knew my sister; she was a nosy little person who wanted in on all the tea and drama. So, I decided to lie.

"Um, Brynn? We're going out, aren't we?" I answered, continuing to walk. Lauren didn't look convinced. Dang it.

"Cut the act, Johnny," she said. "Kenz already told me everything. You don't like her, which I'm mad at you for. She's a great person, and you're just leading her on! How could you..."

"Ok, we know how terrible of a person I am! Continue?"

"If you don't like her, then who do you like?" Lauren resumed. "I know you hate all the girls in your grade, but that's only because none of them are in love with you. Can you just tell me? I'm your sister. If you can't tell me, who will you tell? Jack? Cody? Sorry, but I wouldn't count on them for love advice."

I walked ahead of Lauren, but it didn't matter because we already arrived at the stop. Mackenzie, Maddie, and all my friends came over to us. Lauren glared at me before hugging her friends.

Why did my life have to be the worst?

. . .

Music class came along, and I couldn't be happier. Everything before music class sucked today. I failed my math test, and lunch was weird because everyone was laughing and living their best life, especially Mackenzie and Jack. You would think he would be mad because he was rejected, but it was like they had gotten even closer.

I walked into the classroom and sat down in my usual seat. Mackenzie was busy jotting in a notepad. She looked up and had a small smile.

"Hey!" She said. "Did you write your verse yet? I think I have some ideas for the bridge; we should both sing it with our verses before the chorus."

"Yeah," I replied. I pulled out my journal and started to sing.

Let's talk about all the things that we shouldn't talk about
Those kind of words that would change all the things we talk about
Tell me do you ever think of us?
Should I ask for more or should I stop?

Mackenzie looked taken aback. She put her hand over her heart. I laughed.

"Wow, that's deep," she said. "Ending with questions is cool. I should add questions on the end of my verse." She proceeded to jot something down in her notebook.

I found myself staring at her for too long. She had this smile when she was so excited about something, like this song. Her eyes would get bright.

I told myself to stop and looked around the room while she was writing. My gaze settled on Jack and Brynn writing their song. They were listening to the beat Jeremiah made for them. He pushed their request up to the top of his order list. Friendship, am I right?

"Ok," Mackenzie finished, putting her pencil down. "...Would it be simple or would it be too complicated? Should I keep going or maybe it's better to stop? And then there would be like a second of silence. Isn't that good?"

"That's perfect, Mackenzie," I said.

She rolled her eyes and laughed. "Just call me Kenzie already. You're too formal."

"Fine, Kenzie," I answered. "I just didn't want to upset the celebrity again."

"By calling me a nickname?" She retorted. You haven't made it to 'Kenz' yet though. Baby steps!"

. . .


Jack and I walked out of music class and made our way to the history floor. We both had history this period, but of course not the same teacher.

I felt like he still had feelings for me, but he was trying his hardest to push them down. I kind of felt bad, but you had to do what was best for yourself. At least he still wanted to be friends with me.

"How is your song with Brynn going?" I asked. "I've barely asked about it."

"Really good," he replied. "We don't know what we're going to title it, but it's basically about going for what you want."

We went up the stairs.

"How are her and Johnny?" I continued. "I would ask him myself, but I've already used all my lives with that topic."

Jack laughed. "I feel like he's warming up to her. They're going to this pizza place nearby this weekend. She's really excited. Then she started talking about how much she likes him, and I started to tune out. She's head over heels for him. I hope he knows that."

"Then help your cousin out," I said. "Tell him how she feels about him."

"I guess I'll try," he replied. "But it seems like he talks to you more than me."

My jaw dropped. That couldn't be true. Jack was his best friend. Johnny literally just started opening to me; just today he started calling me Kenzie!

"Trying is good." We got to my classroom.

"I'll see you tomorrow," Jack said. "We're still on for Starbucks on Saturday?"

"I'm sleeping over at Lauren's on Friday, but definitely," I said. "If I don't stay up too late."

I hugged him then walked into class. Today was actually a good day.


A/N: I love writing on here again, lol. Anyway here's another chapter! I entered this book in the watty's just because, but it won't win hehe. Stay tuned for another chapter!

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