chapter six • "totally single"

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{Continuation of last chapter}

After barely surviving math and science, it was finally lunch time. At our school, freshmen and sophomores had lunch together. The cafeteria was so big, it could fit two grades. Then again, there wasn't a lot of people who attended Bridgewater.

I went to the lunch line and found Jack. We did our handshake that we always do when we see each other.

"You have any classes with Maddie and Mackenzie?" Jack asked me. "Everyone is freaking out over it."

I shook my head. "Nah, not yet," I said. Why was everyone making such a big deal about it? They were just regular teenagers, like us, but just happened to be celebrities, too.

We finally got inside the lunch serving room. I picked up a tray with some mozzarella sticks and chose my sides. Once I got out, I looked around to see where I should sit.

I saw Lauren waving at me to sit next to her, and I noticed Maddie and Mackenzie were there, too. Jack must've noticed, too.

"Bro, we should go sit over there before the seats are filled up!" Before I could say anything, I found myself being dragged to the table.

I sat next to Lauren, and Jack sat next to me. A few other people I didn't really know were there, too. Some other kids were crowding around and eating their lunch standing up just because they wanted to be close to the celebrities.

Silence lingered between everyone. Lauren broke it. "So...How is it like living in L.A?" She asked the sisters.

"It's amazing, but sometimes we miss Pittsburgh," Maddie answered.

"But, we still visit around the holidays and stuff," Mackenzie chimed in.

Lauren nodded. I could tell she was just fascinated by them. I mean, my sister was obsessed with them. She was always singing Mackenzie's songs around the house, and trying to copy their dances. She was not that good of a dancer, might I add.

I couldn't help but stare at Maddie and Mackenzie. Why was this actually real? I was going to ask Lauren to pinch me, but I didn't want to embarrass myself.

I must've been staring for too long because Mackenzie said to me, "Hey, I saw you in the hallway. What's your name?"

Lauren nudged my shoulder and looked like she wanted to laugh. Was she seriously making fun of me right now? In front of the celebrities?

"Johnny," I answered before stuffing my face with a mozzarella stick. Lauren started to laugh out loud, leaving confused faces on everybody. I nudged her shoulder.

"Are you guys dating..." Mackenzie started to say.

"No! No. We're siblings," Lauren and I said at the same time.

"Yes, unfortunately, she is my sister," I said, which received a punch from Lauren. "Totally single."

Now it was Jack who punched my arm. "Bro, at least try to be subtle!" He said loud enough for everyone to hear.

Maddie laughed out loud. "Nice try, Johnny," she said. "Our mom says Mackenzie is too young to date."

Mackenzie's cheeks started to redden, as well as mine. Why did I have to say I was 'Totally single?' I needed duct tape over my mouth at this point.

Lunch continued on, everyone wanting to talk to Maddie and Mackenzie. I don't know if it was just me, but they looked pretty uncomfortable.

. . .

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