chapter nineteen • "normal teenager"

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"Kenzie, hurry up! The game starts soon!"

I got up from my bed and walked over to the closet. Lauren convinced me to go to the Dolphins' first basketball game of the season. I felt kind of obligated because Brynn and Maddie were cheering, so we had to support them. And of course Johnny and the guys were playing.

I decided on wearing black jeans and a red windbreaker. It was a little chilly at nighttime here. I grabbed my purse and exited my room, where Lauren was waiting by the door.

"About time!" She exclaimed. She practically bolted down the stairs, and I had run after her. Dad was in the kitchen, washing dishes from when we ate dinner. He's been more distant than ever, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

Lauren whispered "Good luck" before going outside to wait for me. She knew all about it.

"We're going to the game," I said. "Maddie's there already, so we'll back in about an hour or two."

He just nodded. "Ok," he muttered. "Have fun. Come straight back home."

A part of me found that as an opportunity to run out of the house, but I didn't.

"Look, I'm sorry about that party," I decided to say. "It won't happen again as long as I'm here. It was so stupid of Maddie and I. I'll come straight home today, I promise."

Dad put the plate he was drying down and turned to face me.

"I appreciate the apology," he replied. "Now go. I'm sure your friend is tired of waiting for you, right?"

I let out a laugh. "I'll see you tonight," I said. I headed out of the door. Lauren was pacing around the porch.

"How was it?" She stopped in her tracks.

"I think things are good now," I admitted. "Now let's go have fun at this game!"

We headed to the public bus stop because we couldn't drive yet, and the people we knew that could drive were already at the game. Sad times.

. . .

I taken aback by how crowded the gymnasium was. It felt like a concert, almost. Everyone everywhere.

Lauren dragged me toward where the cheerleaders were practicing. I spotted Maddie and Brynn.

Brynn dropped her poms and ran over to us. She looked so happy.

She gave us a hug. "I'm so glad you guys came! Especially you, Kenzie. How do you like normal school basketball games so far?"

"Very...crowded," I told her. "But nothing I'm not used to."

Maddie made her way over to us. I was surprised to see her in the light blue cheerleading uniform. She looked almost unrecognizable.

"Stop staring, Kenz," Maddie scolded me. Brynn and Lauren just laughed.

"Sorry, I was shocked!" I defended myself. "It's so weird seeing you in a cheerleading uniform instead of dance clothes."

She put her hand over her heart mockingly. "Well that's offensive! Besides, I'm literally doing like two games." At that, I noticed Brynn's facial expression change. It reminded me how close we were to leaving.

I decided to change the subject. "Lauren and I are going to find seats. You guys are going to do great!" I gave Brynn and Maddie each a hug before following Lauren up the bleachers.

We found a seat a few feet away from the court. The lights started to dim, so I guessed the game was starting.

"Welcome, Dolphins!" The principal said. "Thank you for coming to the first basketball game of the season!" Everyone applauded, so I joined in.

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