chapter eight • "promise me"

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{Continuation of last chapter}

Finally, music class arrived. Jack wanted me to meet up with him by the student lounge so we could walk together. I don't know why I felt so happy about that.

I found him and we started walking. "So...How are you liking Bridgewater so far?" He asked me. "I bet you'd rather go back to homeschool."

"You're right," I laughed. "But then I would've never gotten to meet a very nice boy." I noticed Jack's cheeks redden. Why did I say that? I was definitely not being subtle!

"And I got to meet a very nice girl," he replied. "So how are things with you and John?"

Weird. First Lauren, and now Jack. Why was everything about Johnny? "Fine," I admitted. "I guess we're friends now."

"That's good," Jack said. We made it to the classroom door. "Just be careful, and don't get too close to him. He can turn on you when everything is going perfectly fine. That's just how he is."

Jack's words rolled around my head even after class started. What did he mean "don't get to close to him?" It was weird hearing that from his best friend. I wondered if I should ask Johnny himself, but that would just be a bad idea.

"Hey, guys!" Ms. Catherine greeted everyone. "Now that we all got to know our partners on Friday, you'll now be working on lyrics today if you can. Write about whatever you want! It's fully up to you. If you need any help, just ask me, or there is some lyric structuring books in the back of the room. Now, get writing!"

I took out my notebook and turned to Johnny. "So, here's some lyrics I jotted down last night. I kind of need to write a song because my manager is bugging me about it." I showed Johnny the page. "I was thinking a song about having a crush on someone, because everyone in high school goes through that, right?"

Johnny nodded, not saying anything. "Did you inspire this from what happened at lunch on Friday?" He asked randomly.

I laughed. "Maybe..." I trailed off. We both started laughing.

"I hear everything you saying, saying 'bout us," Johnny sang the lyrics out loud, catching me off guard. "It's not about right or wrong, it's about what we love.' Wow, Mackenzie. These are some deep lyrics."

I laughed. "So we're not going to talk about how good your voice is? Anyway, it's better if a girl sings this part." Then, I sang the lyrics. Johnny agreed.

"Ok, I'll write my verse and we can write the chorus together," Johnny said, taking out a notebook from his backpack. "Just promise me something."

"Ok, what?" I asked.

"Promise that you won't take the song back to L.A, make it a solo, and it gets wildly popular without any credit going to me," Johnny said. I rolled my eyes.

"Didn't we already talk about stereotyping celebrities?" I said. "Of course I'll give you credit. I might even drag you to L.A with a voice like yours. If this song turns out good."

Johnny ran his hand through his hair. "It will be good," he commented, "because I'm on it!" I rolled my eyes again. Then, we both got started working on lyrics. I had a feeling this song would be a hit.

I thought about what Jack said about Johnny not making it into the industry. What if I proved everyone wrong? What if I send this song to Mark, and he wants to make Johnny a star? Hopefully I could pull this off.


{600 words}

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