chapter thirty four • "day one"

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{The next day}

I woke up feeling exhausted. Today was everyone's last full day in L.A. A part of me wanted them to leave. Well, only Johnny. After yesterday, I felt even worse. I've been rejected by many boys, but for some reason this hurts the worse. I don't even know if I was actually rejected, though.

We were throwing another party later. It was my friends' goodbye party.

After getting ready, I went downstairs to see everyone in the kitchen already. I was going to miss our daily routine of having breakfast together.

"Morning, Kenz," Mom greeted me. "I made breakfast burritos."

"Morning," I replied. I put two burritos on my plate and poured a glass of milk. Then, I sat down between Lauren and Maddie. I was surprised Mom and Meredith were having breakfast with us today. They were usually going out. They were already best friends; I know they're going to miss each other.

"I can't believe we leave tomorrow," Lauren groaned. "Mom, can we stay another day?"

"No," their mom replied. "I want to stay too, but you have to get ready for school."

"Ew, school," Jack commented. "I almost forgot school existed. This vacation has just been the best."

Lauren laid her head on my shoulder, sadly eating her burrito. I stroked her hair.

"It's ok, Lolo," I told her. "We'll FaceTime everyday. Well, if we're not busy."

"It's not the same!" She exclaimed. "This whole trip has been a dream. I stayed at my idol's house, met all my idol's, started talking with al of my idols..."

"You have to say bye to Hayden!" Brynn said. "Maybe a goodbye kiss?"

"Ok, let's stop talking about that!" Johnny interrupted. "Hayden's a great dude, but talking about my sister's love life is weird."

"John, aren't you going to tell your friends the good news?" Meredith asked. Lauren smiled. Was I missing something?

Johnny perked up. He put his burrito down. "Right. So last night my mom and I went to meet with the record label guys because we made a decision. You're looking at the newest addition to Universal Music Canada! I signed the papers and everything. I think my mom took pictures."

Everyone applauded at the table. I was really happy for him. Truly. All feelings aside. He's been wanting this all his life, and I was glad to be apart of the journey.

"I'm so proud of you, Johnny," Brynn said.

"Thank you, B," he replied. They embraced each other so lovingly I wanted to throw my food away. Since when did they have nicknames for each other?

"Yes, congrats John," Lauren commented. "But are we not going to thank the girl who basically made this happen? Kenzie!"

"Thanks, but it's not about me, Lauren," I said.

"Well, she's right," Johnny added, catching me off guard. "If it weren't for your manager setting this all up, I wouldn't have a record deal. If we never met you and Maddie, I wouldn't even be here. It's all you, Kenz." 

Hearing my nickname come out of his mouth made me feel better momentarily. It felt like it was just the two of us in the room. "Thanks, Johnny," I said.

There was a tiny bit of silence before Maddie said, "Kenz, we should take them Melrose Trading Post!"

"Yes!" My energy perked up. "That place is everything. You'll find clothes all your friends will be jealous of. They have the best jeans."

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