chapter twenty nine • "welcome back"

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{Continuation of last chapter}


After what felt like forever, the meeting concluded. It might sound like I'm complaining, but I'm not. I'm just really glad I got to witness Johnny in his first meeting. The first meeting that will lchange his life forever.

In fact, I'm just proud of him in general. I remember a few weeks ago when I was so determined to make his dreams come true, and it's happening.

We pulled up into the driveway and got out of car.

"Kenzie?" Johnny said as we got out of the car.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Thank you. Thank you for telling your manager to come to the showcase. Thank you for coming to this meeting with me. Thank you for taking me to lunch today." I laughed. "Thank you for letting us stay here. Ok, I sound really sentimental, but I mean it. I would've never thought in a million years that I could consider you one of my friends."

"Aw, John," I whispered. "It's no problem, really." To my surprise, he walked up to me and hugged me. I hugged back.


We pulled away and sat Brynn and Lauren in the open doorway. I noticed Johnny scratch his neck nervously.

"Oh, hey!" He regained his composure. We walked inside. "I missed you."

"We decorated the pool area!" Lauren said, distracting me from Johnny and Brynn. "Come see!"

I followed Lauren outside to the pool. Gold balloons spelling "Welcome back" were hung on the curtain. There were gold streamers and the poolside tables has blue tablecloth.

"You guys did good!" I exclaimed. "Where did you guys go to lunch?"

"In-and-out," Lauren replied. "It was so good! There's one in Phoenix but we've never went. How was Johnny's meeting?"

"I think it went pretty good. Your mom and him have to think about two record labels that want him," I informed her.

"Wow," Lauren said in astonishment.

I messed with her hair. "I was thinking we should go to my favorite hair place and get our hair done! To become a real L.A girl. You, Maddie, Brynn, and I. You should get bangs."

"I would love that! And you would look good blonde," Lauren noted, smiling. I was so glad she was here.

I heard the sliding door open behind us. "Hey Kenzie!" I already knew it was Jack.

"Hey!" I turned around and greeted there. Lauren kept lifting her eyebrows in a teasing way, but I ignored her.

"Johnny told me he has to choose between two record labels," he said. "I'm so proud of him. Anyway, when's the party?"

"In a few hours," I informed them. "I really have nothing else planned. Do you guys want to watch Netflix?"

"Yes!" Lauren said excitedly. "Do you watch Jane the Virgin?"

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