chapter thirty • "biggest fan"

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Brynn. (Ooh, new POV?)

{Continuation of last chapter}

I told Maddie I wasn't feeling well before disappearing back into the house. I passed a few of Kenzie's friends who said a quick "Hello" to me, but I doubt they really meant it.

I went inside Lauren and I's room for the time being and closed the door. I sank against my bed and let out an exasperated breath.

I must be going crazy. I even asked Johnny earlier! But Kenzie...I'm not sure about. I've been kind of standoffish to her while she's been completely nice to me. But I can't help it. I literally saw them hugging outside today, and it was longer than a normal hug.

Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door. I hit the mattress's surface with my face. I really wanted to be alone.

Nonetheless, I got up and opened the door. I hoped it was Lauren or Maddie, but it was Kenzie. Out of all people.

"Hey," I said in a fake happy tone, moving to let her in.

Kenzie had a worried look on her face, a look I feared.

"Hey," she answered. "Are you ok? You're in your room instead of swimming with everyone else. I thought you would have fun. Are pool parties not your thing? Do you not like my pool? You were so excited decorating..."

"I'm fine!" I interrupted her ramble. "Your pool is amazing. I just...don't feel the best today, and I'm definitely not up for socializing. Besides, I doubt your friends even want to get to know me. I'm just a regular girl; they're freaking celebrities!"

Kenzie gave me an "Are you serious?" face.

"Of course they want to get to know you!" She assured me. "I mean, look at Lauren. Hayden's already found interest in her. I'm pretty sure they're together right now..."

"For real?" I said in disbelief. "Oh my god, she's loved him since she was little!"

We laughed at that, and for a moment, I forgot what I was hating her for.

"I know you said you're not feeling the best," Kenzie said after our laughing fit. "But, at least come with me so I can introduce you to people. They'll love you, ok?"

I relented and followed her out of the room. We went down the stairs. I spotted Johnny with Lauren, Hayden, Dylan, Caden, Nadia, and Annie. I noticed we were heading that way.

"There you are!" Johnny said when he saw us arrive. "I've been looking for you. We should go swimming." I nodded and sat down next to him.

"Hayden, Dylan, Caden, this is Brynn. My girlfriend," Johnny introduced me, taking the words right out of Kenzie's mouth. I thought I saw her face change a little, but it was too close to call.

"You guys are so cute!" Dylan cooed. "Stop making me feel single." Everyone laughed.

I started talking with the whole group after that, and it wasn't that bad. They were regular people, just like me. Well, except for millions of followers.

"Hayden said you're performing at that festival tomorrow," Caden said to Johnny. "You're a rising star already!"

"Well, he did get some followers after the showcase performance was posted," I pointed out. I squeezed Johnny's hand.

"She's my biggest fan," Johnny said before kissing my cheek.

Lauren put her hand to her heart playfully. "Wow, so we're just going to ignore how last month I told you that you should put yourself out there? I see how it is."

"She's my biggest fan next to you," Johnny corrected himself. Everyone laughed. I noticed Kenzie standing to side awkwardly. A second later, she floated to another group.

I felt bad, but I also was glad that Kenzie now clearly knew that Johnny and I were serious.

But then my relief vanished. Johnny noticed Kenzie walked away.

"Hey, I'll be back in a second," he whispered to me. "Kenzie isn't acting normal. You'll be ok?"

"Yeah," I plastered a smile on my face. We kissed before he headed toward Kenzie's direction.

Suddenly, a dirty blonde boy walked up to the group. He looked familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on it.

"Whoa, you're Carson Lueders!" Lauren's inner fan girl came back out. "I swear this whole day has been a dream..."

Everyone laughed, and I finally recognized him.

"Yeah, it's him," Hayden rolled his eyes playfully. He turned back to Lauren. "You like him more than me?"

Lauren's cheeks completely turned red. I swear by the end of this trip, she'll be dating a celebrity.

"Carson, that's Lauren and that's Brynn," Annie introduced us. "Kenzie's friends from Arizona." Carson's eyes laid on me.

"Nice to meet you guys," he said. "How do you guys like L.A?"

"It's really cool," I replied. "I've never been before." I looked around for Johnny, and still saw him talking to Kenzie and Bryce.

"So you're only staying for this week?" Carson asked. I nodded. Finally, Johnny and Kenzie made their way back to our group.

"Hey, Carson!" Kenzie greeted him. "Johnny, this probably already know."

"Yeah," Johnny chuckled. He sat back down next to me and squeezed my hand. I noticed Carson looking at us.

L.A is already becoming drama-filled. Maybe one-sided drama right now, but I can already tell something will go wrong.


A/N: I AM SO SORRY. I have not updated since September! School has taken up all my time. This chapter is crappy but I tried. To be honest, I have no inspiration, but I'm going to try to finish this book. I'll try to update every weekend. I said that before, but I mean it this time lol. Please comment and vote! Stay tuned!

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