chapter seventeen • "it's not a date"

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{Time skip to Friday night because I need to get to important stuff haha}

This week was boring, except for music class. M...Kenzie and I were almost done with the song, and Ms. Catherine was loving it so far. Next week, all her classes were taking a little field trip to a recording studio in the city so we could record our songs to see how good it sounds. I was excited, but I doubt Kenzie was because she's been to recording studios already.

It was Friday night, and I was tuning up my guitar when I heard three sharp knocks against my window. I groaned and got up to open the window. Jack smiled and hopped inside. He really needed to know how to use a door. Just ring a doorbell; that's all you have to do!

"Hey dude!" He exclaimed. We did our handshake.

"What's up?" I asked. I sat back down on my bed and started tuning again. Jack sat down at the chair by my desk. He kept tapping his foot. He was nervous; that's what he did when he got nervous.

"Do you have to tell me something?" I said, putting my guitar down.

Jack stopped tapping his foot and relaxed a little. "It's about Brynn," he said. "I know you don't want to talk about her, but if I don't tell you, she definitely won't tell you."

I sighed. But maybe I should give Brynn a chance. I mean, the person I actually do like is way far from my reach.

"Ok, say it," I replied.

"Brynn can't stop talking about you. When we're in music class, you are all she talks about, besides our song. She's head over heels for you, John. Even if you don't like her, don't break her heart. Even though me and her are only cousins, we're pretty close like siblings."

My jaw dropped. I knew she liked me, but I didn't think she really fell for me.

"Wow, thanks for telling me," I decided to say. "I won't mess up with her tomorrow."

. . .

It was finally Saturday, but I was now scared. After what Jack told me yesterday, I couldn't ruin this date. I had to keep this act going until I either stopped liking my crush, or actually started liking Brynn.

I pulled up to the front of her house and got out of the car. I finally got my license, but driving wasn't all that. I rang the doorbell and waited patiently. Brynn's house was really nice. It was in a different neighborhood from where my friends and I lived.

A few minutes later, the door opened. Brynn was there, wearing a simple white shirt and denim shorts. She grabbed her phone from a side table and closed the door behind her.

"Hey!" She said, but didn't sound as happy as she usually does. "I'm so hungry."

"Same," I said. We walked about to my car and got inside. I started it up and drove to Mario's Pizza Palace. It was the best pizza in town.

We got into a conversation about our songs for music class. Brynn sang some of her song, and she was a pretty good singer.

"You must be really happy to be working with Kenzie,"she said. "I mean, she's a celebrity and a bestselling singer. To this day I'm still surprised I can call her one of my friends, you know?"

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