chapter thirty seven • "break up"

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A/N: Y'all better comment on this chapter lol this chapter is drama filleddd


Another dreaded day of school was finally over. All my classes were boring, as usual. Everyday I missing Maddie and Mackenzie at our school.

Then, I had to go to basketball practice. I liked not having to do it while we were on break. Now, I wanted to quit.

After practice and freshening up, I got in my car and texted Brynn to meet me at Mario's Pizza Palace. It was where we had our first date, and now where I would break up with her.

I turned into the parking lot and put the car in park. I entered the restaurant, the greeting bells ringing through my ears. The smell of fresh dough filled my nostrils. I loved it here.

I spotted Brynn waving me over to a 2 seat table. She was dressed nice, wearing a blue dress and gray cardigan.

"Hey, John," she greeted me before kissing me. We sat down. I couldn't help but tap my foot nervously. I never had a serious relationship before. Then Kenzie and Jack played matchmaker. And everything changed.

"What did you want to talk about? You look serious," she frowned.

I took a deep breath and took her hands into mine. This gave me flashbacks to when Kenzie and I almost kissed.


"Whoa, you're calling me by my name," she interrupted me. "What's going on?"

"Brynn, I care about you," I continued. "A lot. When we first started dating, I wasn't completely honest with you. I didn't like you. It was Kenz and Jack that basically forced me to be with you. But, I did gain feelings for you. I like you, Brynn. But going to L.A made me realize something..."

"You like Kenzie," she muttered. "She's the one you liked before you started dating me. And going to L.A you realized you never stopped liking her."

"Yeah," I admitted. "Jack told me when we first started dating that you fell hard for me, and that I better not break your heart. I'm sorry, Brynn. But I'd be hurting you even more if I led you on."

Brynn pulled her hands away from me, crossing her arms. "I don't know what to say right now," she said, barely audible. "Is there anything else?"

I gulped. "Before our performance at the new artist festival, Kenzie and I almost kissed."

Brynn bunched up the ends of her cardigan into her fists. On the inside, I was mentally slapping myself. Why did I tell her that? But, then again, I wouldn't be able to live with not telling her. It was weighing me down.

"I guess we're over then," she broke the silence. "I'm going to order a pizza to go." She started to get up.

"Wait!" She turned back to me. "I don't want to leave things on bad terms, B. Can we still be friends? I get it if you still need time..."

"Of course I need time!" She said a little loudly. Some people turned to stare. "You just broke up with me, John!"

"I just need to think," Brynn continued. "And that's Brynn to you. You were so accustomed to saying it earlier, so get used to it." She took a deep breath. "Goodbye, John. Tell Mackenzie I said hi." With that, she turned around and walked to the to go counter.

I felt like someone just punched me in the gut. But, I deserved it. I left the restaurant because I didn't even have the appetite for pizza anymore. And I loved pizza.

When I got into my car, my phone buzzed. I thought it was Brynn, but it was Lauren.

How did it go? Is everything ok?

𝒻𝒾𝓇𝓈𝓉 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒  ~ 𝒿𝑒𝓃𝓏𝒾𝑒.Where stories live. Discover now