chapter twenty three • "showcase"

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It was an early dismissal day because so much work was being put into the showcase. School was let out at two. Since that time, I had to rehearse with the dance team since I would be backup dancing for Jack and Brynn's set, along with rehearsing with Johnny. It was a busy evening.

The dance rehearsal was over, and I felt like I was going to collapse. I haven't been to a dance class in a month or so, so it took a toll on me.

"Mackenzie, your rehearsal starts now!" Ms. Catherine called from somewhere in the auditorium. "Johnny is waiting!"

I ran to the nearest bathroom, splashed some water on my face, and headed to the stage. Some tech people were working on our microphones.

"There you are!" Johnny said when he saw me. "How were your dance rehearsals?"

"I'm...fine," I answered, still out of breath. "They were fine. You ready to do this?"

"No, not really," Johnny admitted. "I've never really performed in front of an audience before. I know it's just parents and students, but I'm still a little nervous."

I put my hand on his shoulder reassuringly. "Everyone gets nervous, including me. I'm a little nervous right now! But you got this. I know this is corny, but believe in yourself."

Johnny chuckled. "Now I know why you're my sister's idol," he said. I rolled my eyes.

"This is soundcheck/rehearsal!" One of the tech students called from the back of the curtain. I ran behind the curtain since I wasn't supposed to be on yet.

Suddenly, our song started playing on the speakers. I was still surprised by how good it sounded. Props to Jeremiah.

"Let's talk about all the things that we shouldn't talk about," Johnny started. His voice was so good.

"I know, right?" Someone whispered behind me. It was Brynn. I didn't realize I was talking aloud.

"Oh, hey!" I greeted her. "Are you excited to sing with Jack?"

"Yeah," she replied. "We always liked doing music together when we were younger, so it will be fun." She turned her attention back to Johnny. "I love his voice. He could really make it, don't you think?"

Before I reply, Johnny sang his last verse. I started to walk on stage.

. . .

Before I knew it, it was time for the showcase. Everyone was backstage, preparing and basically freaking out. I was more calm than the rest.


Brynn and I turned our heads to see Lauren holding a gift bag.

"Hey!" I hugged her. "How did you get in? I thought it's performers only."

Lauren scoffed. "I said I was family, duh. Anyway, since you're leaving in a few days, I decided today was the perfect day to give you my gift."

Lauren pulled out a tiny jewelry box and handed it to me. Oblivious to what was inside, I opened it and gasped. It was a delicate rose gold necklace with a cursive "K" charm.

"We have ones with our initials too," Brynn said, pulling out her "B" necklace. Lauren pulled hers out, too.

"This way, you'll always be part of our group. Even if you're in L.A," Lauren smiled. "I got Maddie one, too!"

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