chapter twenty four • "leaving"

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My family arrived back home after I was showered with a bunch of supportive comments and hugs from people at school. Even Mark asked me about Johnny, saying he was really impressed and wanted to connect him some of his manager friends.

Maddie and I were ready to go upstairs and change when Mom said, "Girls, wait!"

We turned around.

"I know we planned on you leaving in 3 days," she explained. "The end of the month. But, we have to leave first thing in the morning tomorrow. I know you were planning on going to school and saying bye to your friends, but my hands are tied. There was some scheduling conflict..."

"What?" I exclaimed. "What scheduling conflict? I thought everything was put on hold because of us coming here!"

Mom sighed. "I know, and I told Mark this, but he said it was the only time he could schedule you for meetings with the label about your new song. And Maddie, you have to head to New York soon for the movie."

Dad was in shock, too. I couldn't believe Mom was just throwing this news at us. It was already going to be hard to leave, let alone leaving three days early.

"I guess we should go pack," Maddie muttered. I followed her upstairs, closing the door to Mom and Dad starting an argument.

I pulled our suitcases out of the closet and rolled Maddie's suitcase across the Jack and Jill bathroom, to her room.

"Kenz! Couldn't you just bring it over here like a normal person?" She exclaimed from her room. I just laughed, but it quickly faded. I was almost distracted by the fact that we were leaving.

I took off all my clothes from the hangers, folded them, and placed them in the suitcase. When Maddie was finished, she went to my room and rolled onto my bed.

"This isn't fair!" She said we were both thinking. "We were supposed to have more time. We can't even go to school tomorrow!"

"I know," I replied. I finished packing my clothes and went to the bathroom to get my toiletries. "We can't even say goodbye!"

As if on cue, my phone dinged four times.

"It's from your friends!" Maddie informed me. "Lauren says her mom said yes to her and Johnny about L.A...same with Jack and Brynn! Lauren said they can go in a few weeks...they're having a little break from school."

Ever since we got home, a smile appeared on my face. "Yes!" I happily said. "Oh, can you text them we're leaving? I know they're coming, but it's in a few weeks."

Maddie nodded and tapped away on my phone as I packed my final things. Suddenly, I heard two sharp knocks on our door. I got up and opened it to see Mom.

"Hey girls," she said in a soft tone. "I know you heard your dad and I fighting. I wish there was something I could do. Are you mad at me?"

"We were going to leave anyway," Maddie responded. "It's not like we can stay forever."

Mom's expression changed. "Maybe we can swing by the school before we leave for the airport so you can say bye to your friends," she said. "And also, don't think I forgot about what you girls did at the party. Once we get home, you're grounded."

She put a smile back on her face. "Anyway, I'm going back to my hotel since your dad does not want me here. I'll pick you up in the morning. Love you!" She hugged us both before leaving the room.

I finished up packing and rolled my suitcase to the side. I checked my phone to see more messages from my friends.

Lauren: You're leaving tomorrow morning? WHAT??? I know we get to go to L.A, but it's in such a long time! I'll miss you.

Brynn: Wow, so soon? I'm going to miss you, but can't wait to see you in a few weeks!

Jack: I'm going to miss seeing your face everyday at school, but see you soon!

Johnny: I can't wait to go to L.A and perform What If with you again 🙂 See you soon!

I couldn't help but smile at Johnny's message, but I quickly snapped out of it when more messages came through.

Annie: I heard you're coming back
to L.A tomorrow? It's been so long, you have to come over!!!!

Nadia: Me, you, Annie, Ruby. Froyo Yolo on Tuesday!

Eden: I can't believe you're coming back already! We have to have a party.

Maisy: My wife is coming back!!!

"Wow, you're busy," Maddie laughed.

I rolled my eyes. "Look at your screen! 300 messages?" Now it was her turn to roll her eyes.

It was getting late, so we got ready to go to bed since there was no point doing homework anymore. I didn't want to leave.


There was no time to pass by Bridgewater because our flight was so early. Dad had to call the school to say that we were leaving, which broke my heart even more.

We were standing in the living room of the house, waiting for Mom to arrive. Finally, she did.

"It was good seeing you guys again," Dad said to Maddie and I. "I hope your mom lets you come back." He looked up at Mom, but her face said nothing. "I'm still pretty mad about the party thing, but your mom will handle your further punishment."

Maddie and I took turns hugging him and saying "I love you." Then, it was time to leave.

The drive to the airport wasn't long, and then we boarded the plane back to home, the one place I didn't want to be right now. But, I missed my friends and couldn't wait to see them again.


A/N: Sorry for taking long with this chapter, and it kind of sucks lol. But it will get better, I promise! Anyway, vote, comment, and stay tuned!

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