chapter five • "first day"

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{ What happened last chapter in Mackenzie's POV + more }

The morning before the first day of school was pretty horrible. I fell off my bed, didn't know how to work the shower, and breakfast was just awkward. Dad insisted to have breakfast with us, and it was silence throughout. Maddie shot daggers with her glares at him, while I just looked down at my cereal.

The ride to school was even worse. Dad was trying to make conversation, asking us about what we will do once we get back to L.A, and I tried to answer for Maddie and I. She didn't want to talk to him at all; she was busy texting Jack.

As we drove to school, I looked out the window. I could tell that we were on the more rural side of Phoenix, because I knew it was a big city.

We finally made it to Bridgewater High. It was a pretty big school from where I could see. I watched as students got out of their cars and walked inside. Normal kids.

Dad pulled up into what I assumed was the drop-off area. "I talked to the guidance counselor, Mr. Wise, and he is going to be giving you a quick tour of the school before classes begin," he said. He handed us our lunches. "Have a good day, and I'll pick you up later." Dad insisted we get picked up since "us celebrities shouldn't ride the bus."

Maddie and I muttered "bye" before getting out of the car. Maddie grabbed my hand. "In case we get lost in a crowd," she explained herself. I just nodded. I couldn't move, so Maddie practically dragged me toward the door. I already knew how this would play out.

We walked inside, and all the students were out in the hallway. Talking to their friends, by their lockers, or just standing idly. I pulled at my ponytail nervously. No one noticed us yet. I should be relieved.

As if on cue, a middle aged man with a clipboard in hand came toward us. "Welcome, Maddie and Mackenzie!" He said loud enough for everyone to turn heads. "I'm Mr. Wise, the guidance counselor. Follow me..."

Before he could finish his sentence, what felt like all of the student body came rushing toward us, making a big crowd. I was glad I was holding Maddie's hand.

"I love you so much Kenzie!" One girl yelled in my ear, making me startled. "You're my idol!"

I was in the middle of saying thank you when a boy chimed in, "You guys are hot!"

Suddenly, everyone started talking to us, conversations upon conversations. Maddie tried to get us out of the crowd, but there was no opening. It was like we were trapped in a black hole or something.

Yells ranged from "I love you," "Can you sign my backpack?" To "I want to be you!" A few teachers came in and were yelling at everyone to get out of our way but it wasn't working.

I noticed a blonde girl and boy walk in, and they looked stunned. Another boy came up to them. Shortly after that, the blonde girl came running up to the crowd. I heard her yell, "I love you Maddie and Kenzie! My brother and I have been watching you for years!"

Finally, a woman, who I guessed was another teacher, yelled, "Everyone in the student lounge, or you're suspended!" Like magic, everyone walked away from us, but not without hugging us first.

Mr. Wise laughed, walking back toward us. "Well, that was chaos. But you guys are probably used to that, right?" He said.

"Yeah, pretty much," Maddie replied.

"Let's begin the tour!" He said before starting to walk. Maddie and I followed him. He first showed us our lockers, and what our combinations were. He had to help us since Maddie and I haven't dealt with locks that much before.

I wasn't really listening to what Mr. Wise was saying about the cafeteria; it was boring if I was being honest. I noticed the same dirty blonde boy from before peeking his head out the door of the student lounge. He seemed to be the only one who wasn't a crazy fan of us.

I gave him a small smile. Maybe I could try to make some friends, as long as I wasn't on an upper scale just because I'm a celebrity.

Mr. Wise led us away and showed us the library, some of the classrooms, and the cafeteria. Finally, the first bell rang. The halls were filling with students, and I lost Maddie in the crowd. Not like she would help me; we were in different grades.

I scrambled to get out my schedule. My first class was English, and I had no idea where room 2105 was. I spotted the blonde girl and wondered if I should ask her, hoping she wouldn't fangirl. I went up to her anyway. She looked ready to squeal.

"Hey, do you know where room 2105 is?" I asked her, my schedule crumbling up against my hands.

She smiled at me. "I can't believe you're talking me..." she said, suddenly out of breath. "I have English...first period, too...Follow me!"

I followed the girl upstairs. The stairs were busy, and I tried not to trip over people. Everyone was saying "hi" to me, and I answered to everyone I could.

We finally made it to room 2105. "I'm Lauren, by the way!" The girl said.

"Kenzie," I said, even though I was more than sure she knew who I was.

We walked inside, and all of my fellow students looked up at me. I saw the teacher give them a look, and they all looked away. The teacher turned to me.

"Hi, Mackenzie," she greeted me with a smile. "I'm Mrs. Watson, your English teacher. If you need anything just ask."

"Thank you," I said. Lauren looped her arm through mine and led me to two empty desks. We took a seat.

"I can't believe you are sitting next to me," Lauren said in astonishment. "I can't believe you're here! You could be at any other school, but you chose my school!"

I took out my book and pencil and put it on the desk. "It wasn't really my choice," I admitted. "It was more like my mom making me come here to spend time with my dad and have a normal life, but only for a month."

"Oh, right!" Lauren exclaimed. "Your mom and dad are divorced. Sorry, Dance Moms told everyone everything. Wait, only for a month?"

I nodded. Lauren sighed, leaning her head against her palm. The final bell rang, then the morning announcements over the intercom came on. It was basically the principal saying birthdays and what was going on at school.

The next thing that happened caught me off guard.

Before I forget, I would like to welcome Maddie and Mackenzie Ziegler to Bridgewater! Please give them their space as they make themselves comfortable. Have a good first day, Dolphins!

Everyone turned to me and applauded, including Lauren. My face turned red, and I wished I could turn invisible.

"Enough of that," Mrs. Watson said, and I was thankful for her. "You heard Principal Bradley. Now, let's begin class."

English class was boring. We were reading a Shakespeare sample in our books, and everyone took turns reading. When it was my turn, one girl said I should sing it, but I said no.

Finally, the class was over. I couldn't wait for music class.


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