chapter forty one • "perfect"

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{Continuation of last chapter}

We finally arrived at Catch L.A after singing along to one of Kenzie's albums the whole ride. It was pretty fun.

I opened the door for her and we headed inside the restaurant. The hostess led us to the rooftop area, where we made our reservation.

It was really nice. There was a little walkway with a garden, and fairy lights hanging above. She led us to a table overlooking the view of Los Angeles.

The hostess gave us our menus and took our drink orders. Then, she walked away.

"This place is really nice, Kenzie," I said. "Like really nice."

"I know," she agreed. "Just wait until you try the hit me cake. I'm so hungry just thinking about it." We both laughed.

Our waitress came with our drinks and took our orders. I just ordered what Kenzie ordered: the Mahi Mahi wonton tacos. They sounded interesting.

"This could be my life," I said. "Making music all the time, touring, doing homeschool, going to fancy restaurants with you."

Kenzie laughed, that pretty smile I loved dawning her face. "Yeah, it could. But, don't you want to finish high school at Bridgewater? You've already been there for 3 years."

I took a sip of my lemonade. "Yeah, true. My life is changing so rapidly; I don't even know what to do."

Kenzie reached over and took my hand in hers.

"Hey, it's ok," she said softly. "This type of life isn't easy; believe me, I know. However, you deserve it. You deserve to be a singer touring around the world. But, I think you should finish at Bridgewater. It's a good school. And Phoenix is great. By the way, I miss Phoenix!"

I laughed. "Yeah, you're right. My mom is probably going to say the same thing. And, maybe you and Maddie should come back. How about another month of public school?"

"Haha, I wish," she scoffed.

The food came, and it smelled really good. I didn't realize how hungry I was until now.

We only took a few bites when thunder rang across the sky, and it started to sprinkle.

"You've got to be kidding me," I groaned.

People around us started gathering their stuff and going inside. Kenzie called our waitress, and she rushed toward us.

"Can we get a table inside?" She asked.

The waitress whispered something to a coworker walking past her, and then a frown appeared on her face. "Sorry, seating inside is full right now."

On the inside, I was a little annoyed. I was excited for Kenzie and I to finally have our first date. I just wanted everything to go right with the girl I lo...liked. But, life doesn't always go as planned.

"Can we get boxes then?" I said. "And a hit me cake to go, please?"

. . .

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