chapter twenty five • "phoenix"

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{A few days later: Back in Los Angeles}

"Tell us everything!" Annie exclaimed as we sat down. We were at Froyo Yolo, and just finished customizing our frozen yogurts. Mine tasted delicious.

"You barely told us anything since that one Skype call," Nadia added. "We basically only know about Johnny and...what's his name?"

"Jack," I reminded them. "And there's really nothing to talk about. Nothing is going on between any of them and me. Johnny has a girlfriend."

"What?" Annie almost dropped her spoon on the floor. "Since when?"

"Since a few weeks ago," I continued. "Other than that, Johnny and I wrote a song in music class and we performed it at the school. Everyone loved it, and he's coming to L.A in a few weeks to perform with me. And the others are coming too."

"Whoa," Ruby chimed in. "Wait, you mean Lauren too?" I nodded. "She seems cool."

"Wait, Jack too?" Annie questioned. I nodded again. "Wow, the Phoenix drama is coming to L.A!"

I rolled my eyes. "There is no drama. Anyway, being in a normal school wasn't too bad. I got to go to a football and basketball game, Maddie was a cheerleader for a second..."

"Wait, Maddie was a cheerleader?" Nadia interjected. "Show us pictures!"

It was great being with my best friends again, but a part of me missed Phoenix. The pizza place right around the corner. My room in Dad's house. Bridgewater High. I snapped back to reality and tuned back in to our conversation.

"Anyway, here's what you missed," Annie informed me. "Emily threw a crazy pool party last week. Literally everyone was there. And my song release party; that was fun. Then I was filming for Chicken Girls most of the time. Oh, but Nadia was barely here because she was hanging out with her boyfriend..."

"Shut up, Anns!" Nadia interrupted her. "Now you know what we feel when you hang out with Asher 24/7."

The two started to bicker playfully. Ruby reached over and squeezed my hand. "Us single girls need to stick together!" She exclaimed. I nodded in agreement.

I had to go back home right after because I was officially grounded. Mom only let me go to catch up with my friends. Plus, I had to do homeschool with Maddie. I wondered what my Phoenix friends were doing.

. . .


Everyone soon found out that Mackenzie and Maddie left early. Throughout the school, my fellow classmates walked the halls sulking, all their energy gone. It was like the girls energized everyone up to go to school so they could see them.

Now, it was back to the quiet hallways.

It was finally lunchtime after my dreaded classes. I skipped the lunch line and went over to the microwave to heat up pizza I had last night. While I was waiting, I was startled by Jack.

"Dude, what the heck?" I exclaimed, proceeding to do our handshake. "You know I don't like surprises."

"Sorry," he said. "It feels so weird without them here. The lunchtime table people used to crowd around is empty! Someone literally out a Post-It that says 'Here lies the month Maddie and Mackenzie Ziegler spent at our school."

"Wow, they're really taking to heart," I replied. The microwave beeped, so I took out the pizza and put it on a plate.

"Ooh, Mario's Pizza Palace last night?"
I nodded. "I cannot wait to go to L.A on break. Can't you believe we get to stay at their house?"

"I know, it's probably going to be weird," I admitted my thoughts. "But I know Lauren and Brynn are going to enjoy every second of it." We sat down at the table we always at before the girls came to town.

The other guys were still in line, so Jack and I continued to talk.

"I really miss Kenzie though," Jack confessed. "Yes, I know she turned me down at the pool party. But that was before we started getting to know each other!"

"Who knows, maybe you'll get together in L.A," I told him. "But beware for long distance."

Jack rolled his eyes. "Look at you, trying to give advice. If it wasn't for Kenzie and I, you and Brynn wouldn't have gotten together."

"True, true," I said. As if on cue, Lauren and Brynn surprisingly arrived, put down their trays, and sat down next to us.

"Since when do you guys sit here?" Jack asked in surprise.

"Since now," Lauren replied with a little attitude. "Got a problem?"

"Ok, calm down, sis," I chuckled. She just rolled her eyes and ate her pizza; we both had the same idea to bring it to school.

Brynn kissed me on the cheek. "Did you check your Instagram lately? Everyone was reposting you and Kenzie's performance, and you're low-key blowing up. At least in Phoenix." My eyes widened.

"Wow, look at you, John," Jack said in awe. "And you're going to perform with Kenzie in L.A?"

"When you get famous, don't forget me," Lauren chimed in. "Oh wait, you won't. I'm basically Kenzie's best friend!"

"Hey, what about me?" Brynn added.

"She's my famous best friend, you're my regular best friend," Lauren clarified.

"Ok guys, calm down," I interrupted. "It's just one song. How much can that do?"

Brynn looked around before whispering in my ear, "The teacher monitors aren't looking. Let's go in the hallway!"

Lauren and Jack started making kissy noises as Brynn and I sneaked out of the cafeteria. She led me to a spot in a dark hallway and took both of my hands in hers.

"I'm so glad we're together," she said. "At first I thought you were just a crush, but then you started liking me too. You really make me happy. And I'm so proud of you with the music thing; I just know Kenzie is going to do whatever it takes to help you make your dream come true; she kind of told me."

"She did?" I replied, getting caught off guard.

"Yeah, she's a really good friend to you," Brynn confirmed. "Anyway, any date you take me on are the greatest times. I really like you, Johnny."

"I really like you too," I said. I cupped her face with my hands and kissed her, Brynn returning the kiss back. She wrapped her hands around my neck and I let my hands fall to her waist.

"Get a room!"

We jumped, falling out of our kiss. Lauren and Jack were standing there, laughing.

"Guys, really?" I said. "Get a life!"

The two rolled their eyes. "Good thing we interrupted before you started to..."

The bell rang, and Brynn and I walked away from the group before Lauren could finish her sentence.

School was going to be different without the Zieglers.


A/N: ok idk what I was trying to do with that little makeout scene, idk what's up with my writing these days! Anyways, hoped you enjoyed the chapter. Vote, comment, and stay tuned!

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