chapter two • "normal"

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August 9th

Before my flight, I had to have a meeting with my manager, Mark. Maddie and Mom came along. He greeted us and brought us into his office. We all took a seat.

"Ok, Mackenzie," he started. "So, your mom told me you and Maddie are going to Phoenix and attending a regular school for a month. There will most likely be fans at that school, so I'm going to be laying down some ground rules. Ok?"

"Ok," I said. "What are they?" I already knew. It was probably not to do anything stupid, and set a good example if cell phone cameras are recording.

"When you walk in that school, people will most likely turn heads and start crowding around you. I know you and your sister will be bothered, but be nice," Mark said. "The last thing we need is bad press. Also, don't act like a celebrity at school. Be yourself, and everyone will love it."

"Lastly," Mark continued. "There will be no paparazzi over there, but if a cell phone camera is recording, don't do anything stupid. Got it?

"Ok," I nodded. Maddie squeezed my hand suddenly. Was she nervous?

"Also," Mark said before we had a chance to get up. "If you get the chance, try to write any songs. The label wants to release a new single; fans are waiting."

I nodded, and finally he was done. Mom, Maddie, and I headed back to the car, and we were on our way to the airport.

. . .

"Maddie, take care of your sister," Mom was telling us in the LAX airport waiting area. Our flight was in a few minutes, and she looked so sad, which was making me sad. "Enjoy your time there. It'll be one of the only times you aren't followed around by a camera."

She engulfed us in a hug, squeezing the life out of me. "Mom...too...tight," I said, and she let us go. Her face was wet with tears.

"Mom, it's only a month!" Maddie said. She was used to being independent. But, I knew she would miss home.

"Now boarding for Phoenix, Arizona," the intercom boomed in the airport.

Mom hugged us again. "Stay safe. I love you both," she said. She finally let go of me and Maddie, and we made our way down to the terminal.

As we boarded the plane, (our seats were in first class) the goodbye party from last night made its way back into my head. It was so much fun. Mom got everyone In-n-out, and we had ice cream. All of me and Maddie's friends were there, including Jack. We made fun of them for their PDA.

A flight attendant came to our row, and realized who we were. She looked calm; she must've seen hundreds of celebrities. "Hello, girls," she said in a polite tone. "Can I get you any drinks or snacks?" She gave us each a small menu. We ordered breakfast since we didn't get any before we left.

"I'll have oatmeal with a water," Maddie said politely.

"And I'll have French toast sticks with milk," I said.

The flight attendant nodded and walked to where I assumed was the kitchen area. I went on my phone and checked my Instagram and Twitter. I decided to post a picture since I was bored.

@kenzieMissing the fairy lights 😂 on a plane to Phoenix right now! Comment down below 😴 if you're tired like me!

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Missing the fairy lights 😂 on a plane to Phoenix right now! Comment down below 😴 if you're tired like me!

Liked by annieleblanc, maisystella, and 990k others

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@kenziestan: 😴 You are so pretty!

@kenziefan: Hmm what's in Phoenix?

@annieleblanc: 😴 I miss you girly!

@kenzie: @annieleblanc miss you too anns!

@maisystella: That's my beautiful bestie right there!

@carsonleuders: @maisystella umm I gotta correct you there!

@kenzie: @maisystella @carsonleuders you're both my best friends! Calm yourselves!

@nadiaturner: 😴 i miss you so much Kenzie! Hopefully this month flies by

@haydensummerall: Miss you already Kenz! 😴

@kenziemaddiefan: hmm is kayden real? 🤔🤔🤔

@kenzie: @nadiaturner @haydensummerall I miss you guys too!

@kenzie: @kenziefan I'm going to public school for a month

@emilyskinner_: I already miss you Kenz! We got to hang out

@kenzie: @emilyskinner_ miss you too! And agreed

I put my phone down when the flight attendant came back, pushing a cart with plates of food. She put our breakfast down on our pull out tables. "Enjoy!" She said in a cheery voice. Maddie and I thanked her. I caught a glimpse of her name tag: Alicia.

I started to eat my French toast, drizzling syrup on it. For airplane food, it was not bad at all. Finally, the plane started to lift off the runway.

I looked over at Maddie, who was loving her oatmeal. "We haven't been in a public school in forever," I told her. "Aren't you nervous?"

Maddie put her bowl down, and grabbed a hot towel from the rack we were given. It was pretty cold on the plane. She dabbed her face, smiling at the warmth. Did she even hear my question? "Maddie. Hello?"

Maddie laughed, putting the towel down. "Sorry. I was thinking," she said. "Of course I'm nervous. I'm nervous every time I hit a stage, let alone going back into a somewhat normal life. No one is going to treat us normally. We're Maddie and Mackenzie Ziegler. But, we have to act like regular high school students so they'll treat us like it. Even it's only for a month. Ok?"

I just nodded. We're Maddie and Mackenzie Ziegler. Of course. We would never be normal. We just had to play the part, and hopefully that would be enough.

I leaned my head against the window; I had the window seat. We were above the clouds; I've been on multiple planes, but I could never get tired of the view.

I continued to eat my breakfast until there was nothing left in front of me. Once it was announced that we could start using Internet on airplane mode, I took out my mini laptop and started to edit a YouTube video.

As I worked, I hoped that going back to school wouldn't be so bad. And that this month would fly by.


{ 1037 words }

A/N: Yay, we made it to the last goal! Can you guys do this one? This story is just getting started! Thanks for reading, and I hope you're enjoying it so far. Stay tuned! I might start doing dedications if you guys are active. :)

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