chapter twenty six • "L.A girls"

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{A few weeks later}


"Ok, they're here!" I exclaimed in excitement. "Lauren texted they just landed and are heading to baggage claim."

"Do you guys want me to drive or..."

"No, I got it, Mom," Maddie interrupted. She grabbed the car keys from the hanger and headed toward the front door. "We'll be back soon! Prepare the house for a few extra kids."

"Oh great," Mom held her head, causing Maddie and I to laugh. "You're lucky your grounding is over! Alright, stay safe."

We hugged her goodbye and headed toward the car. I was so excited. My Phoenix friends were finally on their school break to spend a week here in L.A. I couldn't have been more excited to hang out with them and for them to meet my friends.

"Calm down, Kenz!" Maddie said once we got on the road. "You can see your excitement from miles away." She turned onto the next block.

"Sorry, I just can't wait to see Lauren and Brynn again and for them to meet Annie, Nadia...all of them!" I rambled.

"So, do you think you and Jack are going to become a thing?" Maddie asked. She earned a glare from me.

"They're staying here for a week, not forever," I reminded her. "Besides, I don't know what's been happening at Bridgewater. Maybe he has a girlfriend!" Maddie just rolled her eyes as if she didn't believe it. A few minutes later, we arrived at LAX.

Maddie and I got out the car and practically ran inside the airport. I automatically spotted them getting their luggage. Lauren locked eyes with me before yelling, "KENZIE!"

She dropped her luggage and ran toward me, practically tackling me in a hug.

"Lolo, calm down!" I exclaimed, hugging her back. The others came toward us, laughing. Everyone else in the airport was staring at us.

"Lauren, you're embarrassing us!" Johnny scolded her playfully. "You're lucky Mom isn't over here yet."

"Wait, your mom came?" I asked.

"Yeah," Lauren replied sadly. "One, she doesn't trust us on a plane by ourselves and second: she really wants to meet your mom!"

"Here's your suitcase since you dropped it," Brynn told Lauren before giving her the suitcase. She turned toward me. "I'm
so excited to be here! I bet your house is amazing."

"It's not all that," I responded. "But you guys are going to have so much fun! We're going to have a pool party where you'll meet all my friends later, shop on Melrose, look at things we can't afford on Rodeo..."

"Shut up, Kenz! Let's just get in the car and get to it," Maddie interrupted. I rolled my eyes at her and we headed back to the car. Lauren and Johnny were going with their mom; we gave them the directions to our house.

. . .

"!" Lauren breathed when we all entered the house. "What do you mean this isn't all that? It's all that and a bag of chips!"

I laughed. "Yes, this is our humble abode. We'll show you to your rooms in a second."

"Mom, they're here!" Maddie called.

A few seconds later, Mom came downstairs. Lauren and her mom's jaws dropped.

"It's nice to meet you guys!" Mom greeted with a smile. "It's nice to know my girls made some friends while they were in Phoenix." She turned to Lauren's mom. "I'm Melissa, nice to meet you!"

"Oh, I know who you are!" Lauren's mom said excitedly. "Lauren, Johnny and I watched you guys on Dance Moms all the time. I'm Meredith!" The two hugged and automatically began their own conversation.

"Wait, you watched Dance Moms?" Brynn questioned Johnny.

"Um...we don't talk about that!" Johnny quickly said. He turned back to me. "Where are our rooms?"

"Ok so you'll be sharing a room with Jack, and Brynn and Lauren will share a room," I explained.

"Smart thinking, Kenz," Lauren commented. "We don't want Brynn and Johnny..."

"Lauren, shut up!" Johnny interrupted her, causing everyone to laugh. "We're literally fifteen and sixteen!"

"Well, a few weeks ago was showing otherwise..." Lauren noticed Maddie and I were confused as ever. "Oh, they were making out in a hallway, but good thing Jack and I interrupted them!" Brynn groaned in embarrassment.

"Ok, room time!" Maddie interjected, saving everyone. "Jack and Johnny, follow me."

I led Lauren and Brynn to the second guest room, which was close to my room. Mom recently redid the guest bedrooms, and they were pretty nice. There were two twin beds and a vanity.

"Wow, I cannot believe we are staying at your house," Lauren said in astonishment. "Thank you so much for letting us stay here!"

"No problem," I told them. "I'm really excited you're here. Oh, we should definitely go to my favorite frozen yogurt place! Let me text my friends."

Brynn put her suitcase down. "Wow, this is literally unreal." A few seconds later, Maddie came in and closed the door behind her.

"God, those boys are weird," she breathed. "Brynn, how are you dating him?" Everyone laughed. "At least their on the other side of the house; I'm not sharing a bathroom with them."

"Hey, we all have our necklaces!" Lauren said excitedly. At the same time, we all pulled out the initial necklaces Lauren gave us. "Phoenix girls forever! Well, temporarily L.A girls."

"Ok, Nadia, Ruby, and Annie are going to meet us at Froyo Yolo," I informed everyone. "I guess the boys can come. You'll meet the others later."

"Oh my god, I love them!" Lauren squealed. "Nadia and Ruby is literally so pretty! And Annie is just iconic. I might actually die!"

"Please don't!" Brynn said in a playful tone. We all got our shoes and went downstairs to get Jack and Johnny.

This was going to be an amazing week.


A/N: Aye, they're in L.A! I'm so excited to write this. Make sure to vote, comment, and stay tuned for next chapter! Sorry for the long wait, lol.

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