chapter three • "awkward"

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{Continuation of last chapter}

Our time on the flight felt like days, but it was only an hour and a few minutes. During that time, I finished editing my video, had a Skype meeting with Mark because we wanted to tell me more things I shouldn't do, and read a book I've been trying to finish for the longest time. Before I knew it, we were in Phoenix.

"Good morning, passengers," a man on the intercom said. "We have now arrived in Phoenix, Arizona. Please stay seated until we are landed safely on the runway, and thank you for traveling with Southwest Airlines."

I looked out the window as the plane rolled to a stop on the runway. The intercom came on again, saying to get all of our items from the overhead compartment and start filing out of the plane. I opened the compartment and took out Maddie and I's belongings. Then, we left the plane.

Mom said that our dad would be picking us up at the airport after we got our luggage. Maddie and I made our way inside. She took my hand and squeezed it. I knew she was nervous. We haven't seen our dad since our dancing days.

"This is going to be so awkward," she said. "I wish Mom was with us."

"Me too," I said. "But we have each other, remember? At least we aren't alone in this."

Maddie nodded. We went over to baggage claim and waited for our luggage to show up. I always saw in movies that people lost their luggage, but thankfully that wasn't the case for us. I lifted my rose gold suitcase off the platform, and helped Maddie with hers.

We rolled our suitcases to the airport waiting area, looking for our dad. We took a seat and went on our phones.

"He said he's a few minutes away," Maddie said, showing me the texts. I nodded, but was confused. Mom never gave me our dad's number. Why did she give it to Maddie? Maybe because she was older, more mature. But I could be mature, too!

A few minutes later, he walked in through the sliding doors, his car keys in hand. He looked the same, but slightly older. A grin appeared on his face when he saw us.

"Maddie! Kenzie!" Our dad exclaimed happily. I tried to return a smile back, but I didn't really mean it. Maddie and I gave him a hug, which was pretty awkward.

"Hey...Dad," I muttered, grabbing my suitcase. I looked over at Maddie, who looked a little angry. I was curious.

"I'm glad you guys are here," Dad said as we walked out to the parking lot. "It's been years! You needed a break from all those cameras, don't you think?"

Maddie and I didn't say anything when we reached the car. We put our suitcases in the trunk and sat in the backseat together, since no one volunteered to take shotgun.

Dad started to drive. "By the way, school starts tomorrow," he said, surprising me. "I know it's a little soon, but don't worry. I registered you and everything. All you need to do is pick electives and such. The school's name is Bridgewater High. I heard they have a dance club! Doesn't that sound nice?"

"Yeah, totally," I said since Maddie didn't want to say anything. I didn't want to be mean, but I honestly just wanted to go back home. Back to where my friends were. At this school, I will know nobody. People will only see me as Mackenzie Ziegler. Not a normal girl, like Maddie said.

Besides, why should we get into clubs? We'll only be there for a month.

The car stopped after what felt like hours. I looked out the window. We were in front of a two story blue house, but it looked pretty nice. There were nice plants, and trees. Oh, who am I kidding? I thought my house was better, but that was just rude of me.

"I know it's not your L.A house, but this your home for the next month!" Dad said, breaking the lingering silence. "You guys go on inside; I'll get your suitcases."

I opened the car door and emerged into the nice fresh air. Dad gave Maddie the key and she opened the door for us. The interior of the house was ok. The living room wasn't the tidiest, but everything else I could see was fine.

Maddie closed the door behind her. "I can't believe Mom did this to us," she said angrily. It was the most she said since the car ride. "I mean, she said she doesn't want to keep us away from him, but she did a good job the past few years! I'd rather be with my friends right now. I have things to do! It's not fair."

I put my mini backpack down on the counter, my shoulders slumping. "I agree," I admitted. "I'm going to miss out on so much. The least Mom could do was come with us."

We stopped talking when Dad came in with our suitcases. "Follow me to your rooms," he said. "And make yourselves at home!" Make myself at home? It was a little hard to do that.

Maddie and I followed him upstairs to the next floor. I opened a door that led to a bedroom. The walls were painted gray, and there was a medium sized bed in the center. There was a desk in one corner, a closet, and a vanity. This room and the next room were joint together with a bathroom.

Dad gave us our suitcases. He had a smile on his face, but his eyes were saying otherwise. "You girls can go unpack. If you're hungry or anything, feel free to go in the fridge," he said. "Your electives papers are on the counter when you're ready. If you need anything, don't be shy!"

He then went back downstairs. Maddie and I went to our rooms. I closed the door behind me and started to put my clothes in the closet and drawers. I put extra stuff like lotion and fragrances on the vanity.

After I was done, I sat down on the bed. The sheets and comforter were a plain white, along with the pillows. I took off my hoodie since it was hot, and adjusted my shirt that was underneath. I decided to go in the bathroom to see what it was like.

I opened the door to see Maddie crying. Her face was red, and she looked like a mess. "Maddie, what's wrong?" I asked her, instantly feeling concerned for my sister. I engulfed her in a hug.

"He thinks he can just come back into our lives..." she sniffled. "Like nothing's wrong. Like he didn't disappear for like 7 years. But he did! I'm sorry, Kenz, but I can't act like nothing's wrong."

She let go of me and went over to the sink to rinse her face. "Maddie, I know," I replied. "But we have to stay strong. And if you aren't, you just have to play the part. Like with being normal." Sometimes, I felt like the older sister.

Maddie dried her face and put her hair in a messy bun. "You're right," she said before giving me a quick hug. "You have some good advice."

I smiled. "I sure do," I complemented myself. "Now, let's go get some food. I'm hungry." Maddie agreed.


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A/N: We didn't reach the comment goal, but I really wanted to post a chapter. I have so many in drafts! Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. Next chapter is the first day of school. Let's try to reach the goal this chapter! Stay tuned!

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